- G2 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G22 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G3 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G4 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G42 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G43 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- G44 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- GameMode - Enum in org.bukkit
Represents the various type of game modes that
s may
- GameModeCommand - Class in org.bukkit.command.defaults
- GameModeCommand() - Constructor for class org.bukkit.command.defaults.GameModeCommand
- GameRuleCommand - Class in org.bukkit.command.defaults
- GameRuleCommand() - Constructor for class org.bukkit.command.defaults.GameRuleCommand
- Gate - Class in org.bukkit.material
Represents a fence gate
- Gate() - Constructor for class org.bukkit.material.Gate
- Gate(int, byte) - Constructor for class org.bukkit.material.Gate
- Gate(byte) - Constructor for class org.bukkit.material.Gate
- generate(World, Random, int, int) - Method in class org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
- generateBlockSections(World, Random, int, int, ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid) - Method in class org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
- generateExtBlockSections(World, Random, int, int, ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid) - Method in class org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
- generateStructures(boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Sets whether or not worlds created or loaded with this creator will
have structures.
- generateStructures() - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Gets whether or not structures will be generated in the world.
- generateTree(Location, TreeType) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- generateTree(Location, TreeType, BlockChangeDelegate) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- generator() - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Gets the generator that will be used to create or load the world.
- generator(ChunkGenerator) - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Sets the generator that will be used to create or load the world.
- generator(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Sets the generator that will be used to create or load the world.
- generator(String, CommandSender) - Method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
Sets the generator that will be used to create or load the world.
- GenericCommandHelpTopic - Class in org.bukkit.help
Lacking an alternative, the help system will create instances of
GenericCommandHelpTopic for each command in the server's CommandMap.
- GenericCommandHelpTopic(Command) - Constructor for class org.bukkit.help.GenericCommandHelpTopic
- get(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Object by path.
- get(String, Object) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Object by path, returning a default value if not
- get(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- get(String, Object) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont.CharacterSprite
Get the value of a pixel of the character.
- getAchievement() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
Gets the Achievement being awarded.
- getAchievementFromInternalName(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.UnsafeValues
- getAction() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the InventoryAction that triggered this event.
- getAction() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
Returns the action type
- getActivePotionEffects() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns all currently active
s on the living
- getActiveWorkers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler
Returns a list of all active workers.
- getAddress() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the socket address of this player
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player IP address.
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
Gets the
for the Player associated with this event.
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player IP address.
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
Get the address the ping is coming from.
- getAffectedEntities() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
Retrieves a list of all effected entities
- getAfter() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalExitEvent
Gets a copy of the velocity that the entity will have after exiting the
- getAge() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Ageable
Gets the age of this animal.
- getAgeLock() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Ageable
Gets the current agelock.
- getAlias(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Static method in class org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
- getAliases() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Returns a list of active aliases of this command
- getAllowAnimals() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets whether animals can spawn in this world.
- getAllowEnd() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getAllowEnd() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets whether this server allows the End or not.
- getAllowFlight() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getAllowFlight() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Determines if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like
in creative mode.
- getAllowFlight() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets whether this server allows flying or not.
- getAllowMonsters() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets whether monsters can spawn in this world.
- getAllowNether() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getAllowNether() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets whether this server allows the Nether or not.
- getAllSessionData() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext
Gets the entire sessionData map.
- getAmbientSpawnLimit() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getAmbientSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets user-specified limit for number of ambient mobs that can spawn in
a chunk.
- getAmbientSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the limit for number of ambient mobs that can spawn in a chunk in
this world
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
Gets the amount of regained health
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerExpChangeEvent
Get the amount of experience the player will receive
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets the amount of items in this stack
- getAmplifier() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect
Returns the amplifier of this effect.
- getAnger() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.PigZombie
Get the pig zombie's current anger level.
- getAnimalSpawnLimit() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getAnimalSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets user-specified limit for number of animals that can spawn in a
- getAnimalSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this
- getAnimationType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
Get the type of this animation event
- getArmor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory
Gets the item in the horse's armor slot.
- getArmorContents() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of all worn armor
- getArmorContents() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Get all ItemStacks from the armor slots
- getArt() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Painting
Get the art on this painting
- getAscendingDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Stairs
- getAttachedFace() - Method in interface org.bukkit.material.Attachable
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Button
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.CocoaPlant
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Ladder
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Lever
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.PistonExtensionMaterial
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Sign
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Torch
Gets the face that this block is attached on
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.TrapDoor
- getAttachedFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.TripwireHook
- getAttachment() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo
Gets the attachment providing this permission.
- getAttacker() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
Gets the Entity that is attacking the vehicle
- getAttacker() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent
Gets the Entity that has destroyed the vehicle, potentially null
- getAuthor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta
Gets the author of the book.
- getAuthors() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the list of authors for the plugin.
- getAwareness() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
- getBanEntries() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanList
Gets a set containing every
in this list.
- getBanEntry(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanList
- getBanList(BanList.Type) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getBanList(BanList.Type) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a ban list for the supplied type.
- getBannedPlayers() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getBannedPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a set containing all banned players.
- getBasePixel(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapCanvas
Get a pixel from the layers below this canvas.
- getBed() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
Returns the bed block involved in this event.
- getBed() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
Returns the bed block involved in this event.
- getBedSpawnLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if
they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
- getBedSpawnLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if
they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
- getBefore() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalExitEvent
Gets a copy of the velocity that the entity has before entering the
- getBiome() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns the biome that this block resides in
- getBiome(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get biome at given coordinates
- getBiome(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid
Get biome at x, z within chunk being generated
- getBiome(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the biome for the given block coordinates.
- getBiteChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.FishHook
Gets the chance of a fish biting.
- getBlock() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the block represented by this BlockState
- getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Gets a block from this chunk
- getBlock() - Method in interface org.bukkit.command.BlockCommandSender
Returns the block this command sender belongs to
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockEvent
Gets the block involved in this event.
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent
Gets the block the entity is changing
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
Returns the involved block
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
Returns the block that the hanging entity was placed on
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent
Returns the block that the painting was placed on
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent
Gets the block the vehicle collided with
- getBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the block at the represented location
- getBlock() - Method in interface org.bukkit.projectiles.BlockProjectileSource
Gets the block this projectile source belongs to.
- getBlockAgainst() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
Gets the block that this block was placed against
- getBlockAt(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the
at the given coordinates
- getBlockAt(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getBlockClicked() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEvent
Return the block clicked
- getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
- getBlockData() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock
- getBlockEmittedLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get light level emitted by block at corresponding coordinate in the
- getBlockFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
Returns the face of the block that the hanging entity was placed on
- getBlockFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent
Returns the face of the block that the painting was placed on
- getBlockFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEvent
Get the face on the clicked block
- getBlockFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
Returns the face of the block that was clicked
- getBlockHeight() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Art
Gets the height of the painting, in blocks
- getBlockId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock
- getBlockInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Chest
Returns the chest's inventory.
- getBlockPlaced() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
Clarity method for getting the placed block.
- getBlockPower(BlockFace) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns the redstone power being provided to this block face
- getBlockPower() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns the redstone power being provided to this block
- getBlockProjectileSource() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Dispenser
Gets the BlockProjectileSource object for this dispenser.
- getBlockReplacedState() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
Gets the BlockState for the block which was replaced.
- getBlocks() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent
Get an immutable list of the blocks which will be moved by the
- getBlocks() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent
Gets a list of all blocks associated with the portal.
- getBlocks() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.PortalCreateEvent
Gets an array list of all the blocks associated with the created portal
- getBlocks() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
Gets an ArrayList of all blocks associated with the structure.
- getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get sky light level for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
- getBlockTypeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
- getBlockTypeIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getBlockTypeIdAt(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getBlockWidth() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Art
Gets the width of the painting, in blocks
- getBlockX() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the floored value of the X component, indicating the block that
this location is contained with.
- getBlockX() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the floored value of the X component, indicating the block that
this vector is contained with.
- getBlockY() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the floored value of the Y component, indicating the block that
this location is contained with.
- getBlockY() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the floored value of the Y component, indicating the block that
this vector is contained with.
- getBlockZ() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the floored value of the Z component, indicating the block that
this location is contained with.
- getBlockZ() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the floored value of the Z component, indicating the block that
this vector is contained with.
- getBlue() - Method in class org.bukkit.Color
Gets the blue component
- getBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested boolean by path.
- getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested boolean by path, returning a default value if not
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getBooleanList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Boolean by path.
- getBooleanList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getBoots() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the boots currently being worn by the entity
- getBoots() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Return the ItemStack from the boots slot
- getBootsDropChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets the chance of the boots being dropped upon this creature's death
- getBottomInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Get the lower inventory involved in this transaction.
- getBow() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
Gets the bow ItemStack used to fire the arrow.
- getBrewer() - Static method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
- getBrewingTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand
How much time is left in the brewing cycle
- getBrokenItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemBreakEvent
Gets the item that broke
- getBucket() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEvent
Returns the bucket used in this event
- getBukkitVersion() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getBukkitVersion() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the Bukkit version that this server is running.
- getBurnTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Furnace
Get burn time.
- getBurnTime() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
Gets the burn time for this fuel
- getByChar(char) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.ChatColor
Gets the color represented by the specified color code
- getByChar(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.ChatColor
Gets the color represented by the specified color code
- getByColor(Color) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
Gets the DyeColor with the given color value.
- getByDamageBit(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.potion.Potion.Tier
- getByDamageValue(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.potion.PotionType
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.CoalType
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.CropState
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.EntityEffect
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.GrassSpecies
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.SandstoneType
- getByData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.TreeSpecies
- getByDyeData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getByEffect(PotionEffectType) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.potion.PotionType
- getByFireworkColor(Color) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
Gets the DyeColor with the given firework color value.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Art
- getById(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.block.PistonMoveReaction
- getById(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
- getById(int) - Static method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
- getById(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Note.Tone
- getById(int) - Static method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType
- getByName(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Art
Get a painting by its unique name
- getByName(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
Gets the Effect associated with the given name.
- getByName(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
Gets the Enchantment at the specified name
- getByName(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
Looks up a PermissionDefault by name
- getByName(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType
Gets the effect type specified by the given name.
- getByName(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.WorldType
Gets a Worldtype by its name
- getByteList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Byte by path.
- getByteList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getByType(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Instrument
- getByValue(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Difficulty
- getByValue(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.GameMode
- getByWoolData(byte) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getCanceller() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent
Gets the object that caused the conversation to be abandoned.
- getCancellers() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation
- getCanCreatePortal() - Method in interface org.bukkit.TravelAgent
Returns whether the TravelAgent will attempt to create a destination
portal or not.
- getCanPickupItems() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets if the living entity can pick up items.
- getCaptureFullTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get world full time when chunk snapshot was captured
- getCarriedMaterial() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Enderman
Get the id and data of the block that the Enderman is carrying.
- getCatType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot
Gets the current type of this cat.
- getCaught() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
Gets the entity caught by the player.
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
Gets the cause of block ignite.
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
Gets the cause of the creeper being (un)powered.
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
Gets the cause of the damage.
- getCause() - Method in exception org.bukkit.event.EventException
If applicable, returns the Exception that triggered this Exception
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakEvent
Gets the cause for the hanging entity's removal
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakEvent
Gets the cause for the painting's removal
- getCause() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
Gets the cause of this teleportation event
- getCenterX() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
Get the center X position of this map.
- getCenterZ() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
Get the center Z position of this map.
- getChangedType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPhysicsEvent
Gets the type of block that changed, causing this event
- getChangedTypeId() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPhysicsEvent
- getChannel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChannelEvent
- getChannel() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListenerRegistration
Gets the plugin channel that this registration is about.
- getChar() - Method in enum org.bukkit.ChatColor
Gets the char value associated with this color
- getChar(char) - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont
Get the sprite for a given character.
- getCharacterList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Character by path.
- getCharacterList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getChatMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
Gets the chat message being tab-completed.
- getChestplate() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the chest plate currently being worn by the entity
- getChestplate() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Return the ItemStack from the chestplate slot
- getChestplateDropChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets the chance of the chest plate being dropped upon this creature's
- getChildren() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
Gets the children of this permission.
- getChunk() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the chunk which contains this block
- getChunk() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the chunk which contains this block
- getChunk() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkEvent
Gets the chunk being loaded/unloaded
- getChunk() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the chunk at the represented location
- getChunkAt(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the
at the given coordinates
- getChunkAt(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getChunkAt(Block) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getChunkSnapshot() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Capture thread-safe read-only snapshot of chunk data
- getChunkSnapshot(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Capture thread-safe read-only snapshot of chunk data
- getClassByAlias(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Returns the ClassLoader which holds this plugin
- getClassLoaderOf() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
- getClick() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the ClickType for this event.
- getClickedBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
Returns the clicked block
- getClickedInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the inventory that was clicked, or null if outside of window
- getCollarColor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Wolf
Get the collar color of this wolf
- getCollidesWithEntities() - Method in class org.bukkit.entity.Player.Spigot
Gets whether the player collides with entities
- getColor(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Color by path.
- getColor(String, Color) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested
by path, returning a default value if
not found.
- getColor(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getColor(String, Color) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getColor() - Method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
Gets the color that this dye represents.
- getColor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the horse's color.
- getColor() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepDyeWoolEvent
Gets the DyeColor the sheep is being dyed
- getColor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.LeatherArmorMeta
Gets the color of the armor.
- getColor(byte) - Static method in class org.bukkit.map.MapPalette
- getColor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.material.Colorable
Gets the color of this object.
- getColor() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Dye
Gets the current color of this dye
- getColor() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Wool
Gets the current color of this dye
- getColors() - Method in class org.bukkit.FireworkEffect
Get the primary colors of the firework effect.
- getCombuster() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent
The combuster can be lava or a block that is on fire.
- getCombuster() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent
Get the entity that caused the combustion event.
- getCommand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CommandBlock
Gets the command that this CommandBlock will run when powered.
- getCommand(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.command.CommandMap
Gets the command registered to the specified name
- getCommand(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
- getCommand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.minecart.CommandMinecart
Gets the command that this CommandMinecart will run when activated.
- getCommand() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
Gets the command that the user is attempting to execute from the
- getCommand(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Gets the command with the given name, specific to this plugin.
- getCommandAliases() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getCommandAliases() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a list of command aliases defined in the server properties.
- getCommands() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.MultipleCommandAlias
Gets the commands associated with the multi-command alias.
- getCommands() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
- getCommands() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the map of command-name to command-properties.
- getCompassTarget() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Get the previously set compass target.
- getConfig() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
- getConfig() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
- getConfig() - Method in class org.bukkit.Server.Spigot
- getConfigurationSection(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested ConfigurationSection by path.
- getConfigurationSection(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getConnectionThrottle() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getConnectionThrottle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the value of the connection throttle setting.
- getConsoleSender() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getConsoleSender() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
- getConstructor() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
- getContents() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
Gets the contents of the Brewing Stand.
- getContents() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns all ItemStacks from the inventory
- getContents() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.FlowerPot
Get the material in the flower pot
- getContext() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation
- getContext() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent
Gets the abandoned conversation's conversation context.
- getConvertedData() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.ExtendedRails
- getConvertedData() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Rails
- getCookTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Furnace
Get cook time.
- getCount() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SlimeSplitEvent
Gets the amount of smaller slimes to spawn
- getCount() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.TimedRegisteredListener
Gets the total times this listener has been called
- getCreated() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanEntry
Gets the date this ban entry was created.
- getCreationRadius() - Method in interface org.bukkit.TravelAgent
Gets the maximum radius from the given location to create a portal.
- getCreatureType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner
- getCreatureType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
- getCreatureTypeId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner
- getCreatureTypeName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner
Get the spawner's creature type.
- getCriteria() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets the criteria this objective tracks.
- getCurrentItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.
- getCurrentPath() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
- getCurrentPath() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getCursor() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the current ItemStack on the cursor.
- getCursor() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCreativeEvent
- getCursor() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets the result cursor after the drag is done.
- getCursor() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Get the item on the cursor of one of the viewing players.
- getCursor(int) - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursorCollection
Get a cursor from this collection.
- getCursors() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapCanvas
Get the cursor collection associated with this canvas.
- getCustomEffects() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta
Gets an immutable list containing all custom potion effects applied to
this potion.
- getCustomName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the custom name on a mob.
- getDamage() - Method in class org.bukkit.entity.Arrow.Spigot
- getDamage() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Minecart
Gets a minecart's damage.
- getDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
Gets the damage change for some modifier
- getDamage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
Gets the raw amount of damage caused by the event
- getDamage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemDamageEvent
Gets the amount of durability damage this item will be taking.
- getDamage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
Gets the damage done to the vehicle
- getDamageBit() - Method in enum org.bukkit.potion.Potion.Tier
- getDamager() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent
Returns the block that damaged the player.
- getDamager() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
Returns the entity that damaged the defender.
- getDamageValue() - Method in enum org.bukkit.potion.PotionType
- getData() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
- getData() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the metadata for this block
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.CoalType
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.CropState
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.EntityEffect
- getData() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.GrassSpecies
- getData() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets the MaterialData for this stack of items
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Material
Gets the MaterialData class associated with this Material
- getData() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.MaterialData
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.SandstoneType
- getData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.TreeSpecies
- getDatabase() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
- getDatabase() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Gets the EbeanServer
tied to this plugin.
- getDatabaseClasses() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Provides a list of all classes that should be persisted in the database
- getDataFolder() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Returns the folder that the plugin data's files are located in.
- getDataFolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the folder that the plugin data's files are located in.
- getDeathMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Get the death message that will appear to everyone on the server.
- getDefault(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getDefault() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
Gets the default value of this permission.
- getDefaultGameMode() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getDefaultGameMode() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the default
for new players.
- getDefaultLeatherColor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFactory
Returns the default color for all leather armor.
- getDefaultPermissions(boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Gets the default permissions for the given op status
- getDefaultPermissions(boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getDefaultPermSubscriptions(boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Gets a set containing all subscribed
s to the given
default list, by op status
- getDefaultPermSubscriptions(boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getDefaultPopulators(World) - Method in class org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
- getDefaults() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration
- getDefaults() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
- getDefaultSection() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
- getDefaultSection() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getDefaultSize() - Method in enum org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType
- getDefaultTitle() - Method in enum org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType
- getDefaultWorldGenerator(String, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
- getDefaultWorldGenerator(String, String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Gets a
for use in a default world, as specified
in the server configuration
- getDelay() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner
Get the spawner's delay.
- getDelay() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Diode
Gets the delay of the repeater in ticks
- getDepend() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives a list of other plugins that the plugin requires.
- getDerailedVelocityMod() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Minecart
Gets the derailed velocity modifier.
- getDescendingDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Stairs
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Gets a brief description of this command
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
Gets a brief description of this permission, if set
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Returns the plugin.yaml file containing the details for this plugin
- getDescription() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the plugin.yaml file containing the details for this plugin
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives a human-friendly description of the functionality the plugin
- getDestination() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
Gets the Inventory that the ItemStack is being put into
- getDifficulty() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the Difficulty of the world.
- getDifficultyForString(CommandSender, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.command.defaults.DifficultyCommand
- getDirection() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Fireball
Retrieve the direction this fireball is heading toward
- getDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
Return the direction in which the piston will operate.
- getDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets a unit-vector pointing in the direction that this Location is
- getDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursor
Get the direction of this cursor.
- getDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Rails
- getDirection() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Tree
Get direction of the log
- getDismounted() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityDismountEvent
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the "friendly" name to display of this player.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta
Gets the display name that is set.
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets the name displayed to players for this objective
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the name displayed to players for this team
- getDisplaySlot() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets the display slot this objective is displayed at.
- getDomestication() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the domestication level of this horse.
- getDouble(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
- getDouble(CommandSender, String, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
- getDouble(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested double by path.
- getDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested double by path, returning a default value if not
- getDouble(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getDoubleList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Double by path.
- getDoubleList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getDropItem() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock
Get if the falling block will break into an item if it cannot be placed
- getDroppedExp() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
Gets how much EXP should be dropped from this death.
- getDrops() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns a list of items which would drop by destroying this block
- getDrops(ItemStack) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns a list of items which would drop by destroying this block with
a specific tool
- getDrops() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
Gets all the items which will drop when the entity dies
- getDurability() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets the durability of this item
- getDuration() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
- getDuration() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect
Returns the duration (in ticks) that this effect will run for when
applied to a
- getDurationModifier() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType
Returns the duration modifier applied to effects of this type.
- getDurationModifier() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectTypeWrapper
- getDyeData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getEffect() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkEffectMeta
Gets the firework effect for this meta.
- getEffectivePermissions() - Method in interface org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
Gets a set containing all of the permissions currently in effect by
this object
- getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissibleBase
- getEffects() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ThrownPotion
Returns the effects that are applied by this potion.
- getEffects() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta
Get the effects in this firework.
- getEffects() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
- getEffectsFromDamage(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.potion.PotionBrewer
- getEffectsSize() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta
Get the number of effects in this firework.
- getEffectType() - Method in enum org.bukkit.potion.PotionType
- getEgg() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
Gets the egg involved in this event.
- getEmptyChunkSnapshot(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get empty chunk snapshot (equivalent to all air blocks), optionally
including valid biome data.
- getEnchantBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
Gets the block being used to enchant the item
- getEnchantBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
Gets the block being used to enchant the item
- getEnchanter() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
Gets the player enchanting the item
- getEnchanter() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
Gets the player enchanting the item
- getEnchantLevel(Enchantment) - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta
Checks for the level of the specified enchantment.
- getEnchantment() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper
Gets the enchantment bound to this wrapper
- getEnchantmentBonus() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
Get enchantment bonus in effect - corresponds to number of bookshelves
- getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment) - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets the level of the specified enchantment on this item stack
- getEnchantments() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets a map containing all enchantments and their levels on this item.
- getEnchants() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta
Returns a copy the enchantments in this ItemMeta.
Returns an empty map if none.
- getEnchantsToAdd() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
Get map of enchantment (levels, keyed by type) to be added to item
(modify map returned to change values).
- getEnderChest() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Get the player's EnderChest inventory
- getEntered() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent
Gets the Entity that entered the vehicle.
- getEntities() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Get a list of all entities in the chunk.
- getEntities() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get a list of all entities in this World
- getEntitiesByClass(Class<T>...) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getEntitiesByClass(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get a collection of all entities in this World matching the given
- getEntitiesByClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get a collection of all entities in this World matching any of the
given classes/interfaces
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.EntityBlockFormEvent
Get the entity that formed the block.
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityBreakDoorEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent
Returns the Entity involved in this event
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTameEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExpBottleEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.HorseJumpEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemSpawnEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PigZapEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
Returns the entity being leashed.
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepDyeWoolEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepRegrowWoolEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SlimeSplitEvent
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingEvent
Gets the hanging entity involved in this event.
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerShearEntityEvent
Gets the entity the player is shearing
- getEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEntityCollisionEvent
- getEntityClass() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.CreatureType
- getEntityClass() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.EntityType
- getEntityId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns a unique id for this entity
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent
Gets the EntityType of the Entity involved in this event.
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
Gets the EntityType if
is an
entity statistic otherwise returns null.
- getEntries() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets all entries tracked by this Scoreboard
- getEntries() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Same as the player method, but with an arbitrary string.
- getEntry() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score
Gets the entry being tracked by this Score
- getEnvironment(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.World.Environment
- getEnvironment() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getEpsilon() - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Get the threshold used for equals().
- getEquipment() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the inventory with the equipment worn by the living entity.
- getEventClass() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.TimedRegisteredListener
Gets the class of the events this listener handled.
- getEventName() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.Event
Convenience method for providing a user-friendly identifier.
- getExecutor() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand
- getExhaustion() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players current exhaustion level.
- getExited() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleExitEvent
Get the living entity that exited the vehicle.
- getExp() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players current experience points towards the next level.
- getExperience() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ExperienceOrb
Gets how much experience is contained within this orb
- getExperience() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExpBottleEvent
This method retrieves the amount of experience to be created.
- getExpiration() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanEntry
Gets the date this ban expires on, or null for no defined end date.
- getExpLevelCost() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
Get cost in exp levels of the enchantment
- getExpLevelCostsOffered() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
Get list of offered exp level costs of the enchantment (modify values
to change offer)
- getExpToDrop() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockExpEvent
Get the experience dropped by the block after the event has processed
- getExpToDrop() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
Gets the amount of experience received when fishing.
- getExpToLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Get the total amount of experience required for the player to level
- getEyeHeight() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the height of the living entity's eyes above its Location.
- getEyeHeight(boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the height of the living entity's eyes above its Location.
- getEyeLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Get a Location detailing the current eye position of the living entity.
- getFace(Block) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block
- getFace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
Gets the BlockFace that the block is moving to.
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Bed
Get the direction that this bed's head is facing toward
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.CocoaPlant
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Diode
- getFacing() - Method in interface org.bukkit.material.Directional
Gets the direction this block is facing
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.DirectionalContainer
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Dispenser
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Door
Does not work (correctly) anymore
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Gate
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.PistonBaseMaterial
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.PistonExtensionMaterial
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Pumpkin
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Sign
Gets the direction that this sign is currently facing
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.SimpleAttachableMaterialData
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Skull
- getFacing() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Stairs
- getFadeColors() - Method in class org.bukkit.FireworkEffect
Get the fade colors of the firework effect.
- getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.NumericPrompt
- getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext, Number) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.NumericPrompt
Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the
user enters an invalid numeric input.
- getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ValidatingPrompt
Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the
user enters an invalid input.
- getFallDistance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns the distance this entity has fallen
- getFile() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Returns the file which contains this plugin
- getFinalDamage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
Gets the amount of damage caused by the event after all damage
reduction is applied.
- getFire() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
Gets whether this explosion will create fire or not
- getFireTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops
being on fire).
- getFireworkColor() - Method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
Gets the firework color that this dye represents.
- getFireworkMeta() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Firework
Get a copy of the fireworks meta
- getFirstPlayed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Gets the first date and time that this player was witnessed on this
- getFixedSpawnLocation(World, Random) - Method in class org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
Gets a fixed spawn location to use for a given world.
- getFloatList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Float by path.
- getFloatList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getFlyingVelocityMod() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Minecart
Gets the flying velocity modifier.
- getFlySpeed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the current allowed speed that a client can fly.
- getFoodLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players current food level
- getFoodLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent
Gets the resultant food level that the entity involved in this event
should be set to.
- getForce() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
Gets the force the arrow was launched with
- getFormat() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
Gets the format to use to display this chat message.
- getFormat() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
Gets the format to use to display this chat message
- getFormat() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
This method is provided for backward compatibility with no
guarantee to the use of the format.
- getForWhom() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation
Gets the entity for whom this conversation is mediating.
- getForWhom() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext
Gets the subject of the conversation.
- getFrom() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
Gets the location that this entity moved from
- getFrom() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent
Gets the world the player is switching from.
- getFrom() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
Gets the location this player moved from
- getFrom() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
Get the previous position.
- getFuel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
Gets the fuel ItemStack for this event
- getFuel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
Get the current fuel.
- getFullName() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Returns the name of a plugin, including the version.
- getFullText(CommandSender) - Method in class org.bukkit.help.HelpTopic
Returns the full description of this help topic that is displayed when
the user requests this topic's details.
- getFullText(CommandSender) - Method in class org.bukkit.help.IndexHelpTopic
- getFullTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the full in-game time on this world
- getFurnace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
- getFurnace() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
- getFuseTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed
Retrieve the number of ticks until the explosion of this TNTPrimed
- getGameMode() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
- getGameRules() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get existing rules
- getGameRuleValue(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the current state of the specified rule
- getGenerateStructures() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getGenerateStructures() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get generate-structures setting.
- getGenerator() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the chunk generator for this world
- getGeneratorForName(String, String, CommandSender) - Static method in class org.bukkit.WorldCreator
- getGreen() - Method in class org.bukkit.Color
Gets the green component
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockCanBuildEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDispenseEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockExpEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFormEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPhysicsEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.LeavesDecayEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.NotePlayEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalExitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTameEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityUnleashEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExpBottleEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.HorseJumpEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PigZapEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepDyeWoolEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepRegrowWoolEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SlimeSplitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketFillEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChannelEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerExpChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemBreakEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemDamageEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPortalEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerShearEntityEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.MapInitializeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.RemoteServerCommandEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServiceRegisterEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServiceUnregisterEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEntityCollisionEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleExitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleUpdateEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.LightningStrikeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.ThunderChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.WeatherChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkPopulateEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkUnloadEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.PortalCreateEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.SpawnChangeEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldInitEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldLoadEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldSaveEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldUnloadEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityDismountEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent
- getHandlerList() - Static method in class org.spigotmc.event.player.PlayerSpawnLocationEvent
- getHandlerLists() - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
Get a list of all handler lists for every event type
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockCanBuildEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDispenseEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockExpEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFormEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPhysicsEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.LeavesDecayEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.NotePlayEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalExitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTameEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityUnleashEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExpBottleEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.HorseJumpEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PigZapEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepDyeWoolEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SheepRegrowWoolEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SlimeSplitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.Event
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketFillEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChannelEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerExpChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemBreakEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemDamageEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPortalEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerShearEntityEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.MapInitializeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.RemoteServerCommandEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServiceRegisterEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServiceUnregisterEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEntityCollisionEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleExitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleUpdateEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.LightningStrikeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.ThunderChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.WeatherChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkPopulateEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkUnloadEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.PortalCreateEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.SpawnChangeEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldInitEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldLoadEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldSaveEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldUnloadEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityDismountEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent
- getHandlers() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.player.PlayerSpawnLocationEvent
- getHatchingType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
Get the type of the mob being hatched (EntityType.CHICKEN by default)
- getHatchType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
- getHealth() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Damageable
- getHealthScale() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the number that health is scaled to for the client.
- getHeight() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BlockChangeDelegate
Gets the height of the world.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont.CharacterSprite
Get the height of the character sprite.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont
Get the height of this font.
- getHeldItemSlot() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Get the slot number of the currently held item
- getHelmet() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the helmet currently being worn by the entity
- getHelmet() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Return the ItemStack from the helmet slot
- getHelmetDropChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets the chance of the helmet being dropped upon this creature's death
- getHelpMap() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getHelpMap() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the
providing help topics for this server.
- getHelpTopic(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.help.HelpMap
Returns a help topic for a given topic name.
- getHelpTopics() - Method in interface org.bukkit.help.HelpMap
Returns a collection of all the registered help topics.
- getHiddenPlayers() - Method in class org.bukkit.entity.Player.Spigot
- getHighestBlockAt(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the highest non-empty block at the given coordinates
- getHighestBlockAt(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the highest non-empty block at the given coordinates
- getHighestBlockYAt(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Gets the highest non-air coordinate at the given coordinates
- getHighestBlockYAt(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the highest non-air coordinate at the given coordinates
- getHighestBlockYAt(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the highest non-air coordinate at the given
- getHingeCorner() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Door
Does not work (correctly) anymore
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Get the entity this EntityEquipment belongs to
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Gets the block or entity belonging to the open inventory
- getHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
- getHook() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
Gets the fishing hook.
- getHostname() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
Gets the hostname that the player used to connect to the server, or
blank if unknown
- getHotbarButton() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
If the ClickType is NUMBER_KEY, this method will return the index of
the pressed key (0-8).
- getHumidity() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the humidity of the biome of this block
- getHumidity(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the humidity for the given block coordinates.
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Art
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.block.PistonMoveReaction
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
- getId() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot.Type
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton.SkeletonType
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Villager.Profession
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView.Property
- getId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Material
- getId() - Method in class org.bukkit.Note
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Note.Tone
- getId(boolean) - Method in enum org.bukkit.Note.Tone
- getId() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType
- getId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.World.Environment
- getIdleTimeout() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the idle kick timeout.
- getIgnitingBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
Gets the block who ignited this block
- getIgnitingEntity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
Gets the entity who ignited this block
- getIgnoredPlugins() - Method in interface org.bukkit.help.HelpMap
Gets the list of plugins the server administrator has chosen to exclude
from the help index.
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations
that the specified plugin has.
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations
that are on the requested channel.
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin, String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations
that the specified plugin has on the requested channel.
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getIncomingChannels() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channels.
- getIncomingChannels(Plugin) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channels that the
specified plugin is registered for.
- getIncomingChannels() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getIncomingChannels(Plugin) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getIngredient() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory
Get the current ingredient for brewing.
- getIngredientList() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
Get the list of ingredients used for this recipe.
- getIngredientMap() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
Get a copy of the ingredients map.
- getInitiator() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
Gets the Inventory that initiated the transfer.
- getInput() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
Get the input material.
- getInputNotNumericText(ConversationContext, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.NumericPrompt
Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the
user enters an invalid number.
- getInstaBreak() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent
Gets if the block is set to instantly break when damaged by the player.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Gets the singleton unseeded instance of this generator
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
Gets the singleton unseeded instance of this generator
- getInstrument() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.NotePlayEvent
- getInt(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested int by path.
- getInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested int by path, returning a default value if not found.
- getInt(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getInteger(CommandSender, String, int) - Method in class org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
- getIntegerList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Integer by path.
- getIntegerList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getIntensity(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
Gets the intensity of the potion's effects for given entity; This
depends on the distance to the impact center
- getInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Furnace
- getInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
- getInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Get the player's inventory.
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
Gets the primary Inventory involved in this transaction
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
Gets the Inventory that picked up the item
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent
- getInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent
Gets the Inventory involved in this event
- getInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder
Get the object's inventory.
- getInventorySlots() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets the slots to be changed in this drag.
- getIp() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getIp() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get the IP that this server is bound to, or empty string if not
- getIPBans() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getIPBans() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a set containing all current IPs that are banned.
- getItem() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame
Get the item in this frame
- getItem() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ThrownPotion
Returns a copy of the ItemStack for this thrown potion.
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDispenseEvent
Gets the item that is being dispensed.
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.EnchantItemEvent
Gets the item to be enchanted (can be modified)
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent
Gets the item to be enchanted (can be modified)
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
Gets the ItemStack being moved; if modified, the original item will not
be removed from the source inventory.
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
Gets the Item entity that was picked up
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
Returns the item in hand represented by this event
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
Gets the item that is being consumed.
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemDamageEvent
- getItem() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent
Gets the Item picked up by the player.
- getItem() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.BeaconInventory
Get the item powering the beacon.
- getItem() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EnchantingInventory
Get the item being enchanted.
- getItem(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns the ItemStack found in the slot at the given index
- getItem(int) - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Gets one item in this inventory view by its raw slot ID.
- getItemAmount() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceExtractEvent
Get the item count being retrieved
- getItemDrop() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
Gets the ItemDrop created by the player
- getItemFactory() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getItemFactory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the instance of the item factory (for
- getItemInHand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Returns the ItemStack currently in your hand, can be empty.
- getItemInHand() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent
Gets the ItemStack for the item currently in the player's hand.
- getItemInHand() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
Gets the item in the player's hand when they placed the block.
- getItemInHand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the item the entity is currently holding
- getItemInHand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Returns the ItemStack currently hold
- getItemInHandDropChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets the chance of the currently held item being dropped upon this
creature's death
- getItemMeta(Material) - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFactory
This creates a new item meta for the material.
- getItemMeta() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Get a copy of this ItemStack's
- getItemOnCursor() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Returns the ItemStack currently on your cursor, can be empty.
- getItemStack(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested ItemStack by path.
- getItemStack(String, ItemStack) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested
by path, returning a default value
if not found.
- getItemStack(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getItemStack(String, ItemStack) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getItemStack() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Item
Gets the item stack associated with this item drop.
- getItemStack() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEvent
Get the resulting item in hand after the bucket event
- getItemTarget() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
Gets the type of
that may fit this Enchantment.
- getItemTarget() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper
- getItemType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceExtractEvent
Get the Material of the item being retrieved
- getItemType() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.MaterialData
Gets the Material that this MaterialData represents
- getItemTypeId() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.MaterialData
- getJoinMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
Gets the join message to send to all online players
- getJumpStrength() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the jump strength of this horse.
- getKeepInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Gets if the Player keeps inventory on death.
- getKeepLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Gets if the Player should keep all EXP at respawn.
- getKeepSpawnInMemory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets whether the world's spawn area should be kept loaded into memory
or not.
- getKeys(boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets a set containing all keys in this section.
- getKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getKickMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the current kick message that will be used if getResult() !=
- getKickMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
Gets the current kick message that will be used if getResult() !=
- getKickMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the current kick message that will be used if getResult() !=
- getKiller() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.
- getKnockbackStrength() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Arrow
Gets the knockback strength for an arrow, which is the
of the bow that shot it.
- getKnownServices() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager
Get a list of known services.
- getKnownServices() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimpleServicesManager
Get a list of known services.
- getLabel() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Returns the current label for this command
- getLastColors(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.ChatColor
Gets the ChatColors used at the end of the given input string.
- getLastDamage() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns the living entity's last damage taken in the current no damage
ticks time.
- getLastDamageCause() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
- getLastPlayed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Gets the last date and time that this player was witnessed on this
- getLastToken() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
Gets the last 'token' of the message being tab-completed.
- getLastTwoTargetBlocks(HashSet<Byte>, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
- getLeashHolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Gets the entity that is currently leading this entity.
- getLeashHolder() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
Returns the entity that is holding the leash.
- getLeaveMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
Gets the leave message send to all online players
- getLeftSide() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getLeftSide() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
Get the left half of this double chest.
- getLeggings() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets a copy of the leggings currently being worn by the entity
- getLeggings() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Return the ItemStack from the leg slot
- getLeggingsDropChance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment
Gets the chance of the leggings being dropped upon this creature's
- getLength() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent
Get the amount of blocks which will be moved while extending.
- getLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players current experience level
- getLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
Returns the level of this potion.
- getLightFromBlocks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Get the amount of light at this block from nearby blocks.
- getLightFromSky() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Get the amount of light at this block from the sky.
- getLightLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the light level between 0-15
- getLightLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the light level between 0-15
- getLightning() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
Gets the lightning bolt which is striking the Creeper.
- getLightning() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PigZapEvent
Gets the bolt which is striking the pig.
- getLightning() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.LightningStrikeEvent
Gets the bolt which is striking the earth.
- getLine(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Sign
Gets the line of text at the specified index.
- getLine(int) - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
Gets a single line of text from the sign involved in this event.
- getLineOfSight(HashSet<Byte>, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
- getLines() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Sign
Gets all the lines of text currently on this sign.
- getLines() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
Gets all of the lines of text from the sign involved in this event.
- getLines() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.ChatPage
- getList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List by path.
- getList(String, List<?>) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List by path, returning a default value if not
- getList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getList(String, List<?>) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getListener() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListenerRegistration
Gets the registered listener described by this registration.
- getListener() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
Gets the listener for this registration
- getListeningPluginChannels() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageRecipient
Gets a set containing all the Plugin Channels that this client is
listening on.
- getLivingEntities() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get a list of all living entities in this World
- getLoad() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the phase of server startup that the plugin should be loaded.
- getLoadBefore() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gets the list of plugins that should consider this plugin a
- getLoadedChunks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets an array of all loaded
- getLocale() - Method in class org.bukkit.entity.Player.Spigot
Gets player locale language.
- getLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the Location of the block
- getLocation(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Stores the location of the block in the provided Location object.
- getLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the location of this block
- getLocation(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Stores the location of this block in the provided Location object.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets the entity's current position
- getLocation(Location) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
Returns the location where the explosion happened.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
Gets the portal block the entity is touching
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
Gets the location at which the entity is spawning.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
Gets the location at which the item is despawning.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
Gets the location of the structure.
- getLogger() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getLogger() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
- getLogger() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the plugin logger associated with this server's logger.
- getLogger() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Returns the primary logger associated with this server instance.
- getLoginResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the current result of the login, as an enum
- getLong(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested long by path.
- getLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested long by path, returning a default value if not
- getLong(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getLong(String, long) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getLongList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Long by path.
- getLongList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getLore() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta
Gets the lore that is set.
- getMain() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the fully qualified name of the main class for a plugin.
- getMainScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets the primary Scoreboard controlled by the server.
- getMap(short) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getMap() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.MapInitializeEvent
Gets the map initialized in this event.
- getMap(short) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
- getMapList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Maps by path.
- getMapList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getMapView() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapCanvas
Get the map this canvas is attached to.
- getMaterial() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock
Get the Material of the falling block
- getMaterial() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockCanBuildEvent
Gets the Material that we are trying to place.
- getMaterial() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
Convenience method.
- getMaterial() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
Gets the Material if
is a block
or item statistic otherwise returns null.
- getMaterial(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Material
- getMaterial(String) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.Material
Attempts to get the Material with the given name.
- getMaterial() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.TexturedMaterial
Gets the current Material this block is made of
- getMaterialFromInternalName(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.UnsafeValues
- getMaterialId() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockCanBuildEvent
- getMatrix() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.CraftingInventory
Get the contents of the crafting matrix.
- getMaxDomestication() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the maximum domestication level of this horse.
- getMaxDurability() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Material
Gets the maximum durability of this material
- getMaxFireTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns the entity's maximum fire ticks.
- getMaxHealth() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Damageable
Gets the maximum health this entity has.
- getMaxHeight() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the maximum height of this world.
- getMaximum(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the maximum components of two vectors.
- getMaximumAir() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns the maximum amount of air the living entity can have, in ticks.
- getMaximumNoDamageTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns the living entity's current maximum no damage ticks.
- getMaxLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
Gets the maximum level that this Enchantment may become.
- getMaxLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper
- getMaxLevel() - Method in enum org.bukkit.potion.PotionType
- getMaxPlayers() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getMaxPlayers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
Get the maximum number of players sent.
- getMaxPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get the maximum amount of players which can login to this server.
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Boat
Gets the maximum speed of a boat.
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Minecart
Gets the maximum speed of a minecart.
- getMaxStackSize() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns the maximum stack size for an ItemStack in this inventory.
- getMaxStackSize() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Get the maximum stacksize for the material hold in this ItemStack.
- getMaxStackSize() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Material
Gets the maximum amount of this material that can be held in a stack
- getMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
Gets the message that the player is attempting to send.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
Gets the message that the player is attempting to send
- getMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
Gets the command that the player is attempting to send.
- getMessage() - Method in exception org.bukkit.plugin.AuthorNagException
- getMessenger() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getMessenger() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the
responsible for this server.
- getMetadata(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
Returns a list of previously set metadata values from the implementing
object's metadata store.
- getMetadata(T, String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
Returns all metadata values attached to an object.
- getMetadata(T, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataStoreBase
Returns all metadata values attached to an object.
- getMethod(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
- getMidpoint(Vector) - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets a new midpoint vector between this vector and another.
- getMinimum(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the minimum components of two vectors.
- getModX() - Method in enum org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
Get the amount of X-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
- getModY() - Method in enum org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
Get the amount of Y-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
- getModZ() - Method in enum org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
Get the amount of Z-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
- getMonsterSpawnLimit() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getMonsterSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets user-specified limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a
- getMonsterSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk in this
- getMotd() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getMotd() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
Get the message of the day message.
- getMotd() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the message that is displayed on the server list.
- getMount() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CommandBlock
Gets the name of this CommandBlock.
- getName() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Returns the name of this command
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
Gets the name of this command sender
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getName() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
Returns the effect's name.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
Gets the unique name of this enchantment
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.AnimalTamer
This is the name of the specified AnimalTamer.
- getName() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.CreatureType
- getName() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.EntityType
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Returns the name of this player
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player's name.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player's name.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.help.HelpTopic
Returns the name of this help topic.
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns the name of the inventory
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Returns the name of this player
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
Returns the unique fully qualified name of this Permission
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the name of the plugin.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginBase
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the name of the plugin.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType
Returns the name of this effect type.
- getName() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectTypeWrapper
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets the name of this Objective
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the name of this Team
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the name of this server implementation.
- getName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the unique name of this world
- getName() - Method in enum org.bukkit.WorldType
Gets the name of this WorldType
- getNameId() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
- getNearbyEntities(double, double, double) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around this
- getNewBookMeta() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
Gets the book meta that the player is attempting to add to the book.
- getNewCurrent() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
Gets the new current of this block
- getNewData(byte) - Method in enum org.bukkit.Material
- getNewExp() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Gets how much EXP the Player should have at respawn.
- getNewGameMode() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
Gets the GameMode the player is switched to.
- getNewItems() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets all items to be added to the inventory in this drag.
- getNewLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Gets the Level the Player should have at respawn.
- getNewLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent
Gets the new level of the player
- getNewScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets a new Scoreboard to be tracked by the server.
- getNewSlot() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
Gets the new held slot index
- getNewState() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
Gets the state of the block that will be fading, melting or
- getNewState() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
Gets the state of the block where it will form or spread to.
- getNewTotalExp() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent
Gets the Total EXP the Player should have at respawn.
- getNewValue() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
Gets the new value of the statistic.
- getNextPrompt(ConversationContext) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.MessagePrompt
Override this method to return the next prompt in the prompt graph.
- getNoDamageTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns the living entity's current no damage ticks.
- getNoise(double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 1D unseeded perlin noise for the given
coordinates in 1D space
- getNoise(double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 2D unseeded perlin noise for the given
coordinates in 2D space
- getNoise(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 3D unseeded perlin noise for the given
coordinates in 3D space
- getNoise(double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Generates noise for the 1D coordinates using the specified number of
octaves and parameters
- getNoise(double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Generates noise for the 2D coordinates using the specified number of
octaves and parameters
- getNoise(double, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
Generates noise for the 3D coordinates using the specified number of
octaves and parameters
- getNoise(double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 1D unseeded simplex noise for the given
coordinates in 1D space
- getNoise(double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 2D unseeded simplex noise for the given
coordinates in 2D space
- getNoise(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 3D unseeded simplex noise for the given
coordinates in 3D space
- getNoise(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
Computes and returns the 4D simplex noise for the given coordinates in
4D space
- getNote() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.NoteBlock
Gets the note.
- getNote() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.NotePlayEvent
Gets the
to be played.
- getNumHatches() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEggThrowEvent
Get the number of mob hatches from the egg.
- getNumPlayers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerListPingEvent
Get the number of players sent.
- getObjective() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score
Gets the Objective being tracked by this Score
- getObjective(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets an Objective on this Scoreboard by name
- getObjective(DisplaySlot) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets the Objective currently displayed in a DisplaySlot on this
- getObjectives() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets all Objectives on this Scoreboard
- getObjectivesByCriteria(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets all Objectives of a Criteria on the Scoreboard
- getOccupiedDeceleration() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Boat
Gets the deceleration rate (newSpeed = curSpeed * rate) of occupied
- getOctave() - Method in class org.bukkit.Note
Returns the octave of this note.
- getOctaves() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
Gets a clone of the individual octaves used within this generator
- getOfflinePlayer(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOfflinePlayer(UUID) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOfflinePlayer(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested OfflinePlayer by path.
- getOfflinePlayer(String, OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested
by path, returning a default
value if not found.
- getOfflinePlayer(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getOfflinePlayer(String, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getOfflinePlayer(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Persistent storage of users should be by UUID as names are no longer
unique past a single session.
- getOfflinePlayer(UUID) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the player by the given UUID, regardless if they are offline or
- getOfflinePlayers() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOfflinePlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets every player that has ever played on this server.
- getOldCurrent() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
Gets the old current of this block
- getOldCursor() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets an ItemStack representing the cursor prior to any modifications
as a result of this drag.
- getOldLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent
Gets the old level of the player
- getOnlineMode() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOnlineMode() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets whether the Server is in online mode or not.
- getOnlinePlayers() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOnlinePlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a view of all currently logged in players.
- getOpenInventory() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Gets the inventory view the player is currently viewing.
- getOperators() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getOperators() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a set containing all player operators.
- getOppositeFace() - Method in enum org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
- getOriginalDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
Gets the original damage for the specified modifier, as defined at this
event's construction.
- getOutgoingChannels() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the outgoing plugin channels.
- getOutgoingChannels(Plugin) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger
Gets a set containing all the outgoing plugin channels that the
specified plugin is registered to.
- getOutgoingChannels() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getOutgoingChannels(Plugin) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger
- getOwner() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Skull
Gets the owner of the skull, if one exists
- getOwner() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Tameable
Gets the current owning AnimalTamer
- getOwner() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTameEvent
Gets the owning AnimalTamer
- getOwner() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta
Gets the owner of the skull.
- getOwner() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
Returns the Plugin that owns this task.
- getOwner() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitWorker
Returns the Plugin that owns this task.
- getOwningPlugin() - Method in interface org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
Returns the
that created this metadata item.
- getOwningPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
- getPage(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta
Gets the specified page in the book.
- getPageCount() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta
Gets the number of pages in the book.
- getPageNumber() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.ChatPage
- getPages() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta
Gets all the pages in the book.
- getPaintedFaces() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Mushroom
- getPainting() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingEvent
Gets the painting involved in this event.
- getParent() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Achievement
Returns the parent achievement of this achievement, or null if none.
- getParent() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
- getParent() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
- getParent() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getParent() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ComplexEntityPart
- getParent() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.EnderDragonPart
- getParts() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ComplexLivingEntity
Gets a list of parts that belong to this complex entity
- getPassenger() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets the primary passenger of a vehicle.
- getPendingTasks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler
Returns a list of all pending tasks.
- getPermissible() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment
Gets the Permissible that this is attached to
- getPermissible() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo
Gets the permissible this is attached to
- getPermissibles() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.Permission
Gets a set containing every
that has this
- getPermission() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Gets the permission required by users to be able to perform this
- getPermission() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo
Gets the permission being set
- getPermission(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
- getPermission(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getPermissionDefault() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
- getPermissionMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Returns a message to be displayed on a failed permission check for this
- getPermissions() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment
Gets a copy of all set permissions and values contained within this
- getPermissions() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the list of permissions the plugin will register at runtime,
immediately proceding enabling.
- getPermissions() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Gets a set of all registered permissions.
- getPermissions() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getPermissionSubscriptions(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Gets a set containing all subscribed
s to the given
permission, by name
- getPermissionSubscriptions(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getPickupDelay() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Item
Gets the delay before this Item is available to be picked up by players
- getPigZombie() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PigZapEvent
Gets the zombie pig that will replace the pig, provided the event is
not cancelled first.
- getPistonMoveReaction() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Returns the reaction of the block when moved by a piston
- getPitch() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the pitch of this location, measured in degrees.
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapCanvas
Get a pixel from the canvas.
- getPlayer(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent
Gets the player damaging the block involved in this event.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
Gets the player who ignited this block
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
Gets the player who placed the block involved in this event.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
Gets the player changing the sign involved in this event.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
Returns the player involved in this event
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
Returns the player placing the hanging entity
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceExtractEvent
Get the player that triggered the event
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
Returns the player involved in this event
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
Returns the player involved in this event
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingPlaceEvent
Returns the player placing the painting
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent
Returns the player involved in this event
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
Returns the player who is unleashing the entity.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
Gets the player that created the structure.
- getPlayer() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Get the player viewing.
- getPlayer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Gets a
object that this represents, if there is one
- getPlayer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score
Scoreboards can contain entries that aren't players
- getPlayer(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a player object by the given username.
- getPlayer(UUID) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the player with the given UUID.
- getPlayerExact(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPlayerExact(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.
- getPlayerListName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the name that is shown on the player list.
- getPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Scoreboards can contain entries that aren't players
- getPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the Set of players on the team
- getPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get a list of all players in this World
- getPlayerTeam(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets a player's Team on this Scoreboard
- getPlayerTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Returns the player's current timestamp.
- getPlayerTimeOffset() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Returns the player's current time offset relative to server time, or
the current player's fixed time if the player's time is absolute.
- getPlayerWeather() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Returns the type of weather the player is currently experiencing.
- getPlaying() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Jukebox
Get the record currently playing
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand
Gets the owner of this PluginCommand
- getPlugin() - Method in interface org.bukkit.command.PluginIdentifiableCommand
Gets the owner of this PluginIdentifiableCommand.
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext
Gets the plugin that owns this conversation.
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEvent
Gets the plugin involved in this event
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment
Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment
- getPlugin(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
This method provides fast access to the plugin that has
the given plugin class, which is
usually the plugin that implemented it.
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageListenerRegistration
Gets the plugin that this registration is for.
- getPlugin(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
Gets the plugin for this registration
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider
- getPlugin(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
- getPluginCommand(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPluginCommand(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
- getPluginDescription(File) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader
- getPluginDescription(File) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Loads a PluginDescriptionFile from the specified file
- getPluginFileFilters() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader
- getPluginFileFilters() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns a list of all filename filters expected by this PluginLoader
- getPluginLoader() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Gets the associated PluginLoader responsible for this plugin
- getPluginLoader() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Gets the associated PluginLoader responsible for this plugin
- getPluginManager() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPluginManager() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the plugin manager for interfacing with plugins.
- getPlugins() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager
Gets a list of all currently loaded plugins
- getPlugins() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager
- getPopulators() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
- getPort() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getPort() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get the game port that the server runs on.
- getPortalTravelAgent() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent
Gets the Travel Agent used (or not) in this event.
- getPortalTravelAgent() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPortalEvent
Gets the Travel Agent used (or not) in this event.
- getPortalType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent
Gets the type of portal that is trying to be created.
- getPotion() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.PotionSplashEvent
Gets the potion which caused this event
- getPower() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.HorseJumpEvent
Gets the power of the jump.
- getPower() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta
Gets the approximate height the firework will fly.
- getPrefix() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation
- getPrefix(ConversationContext) - Method in interface org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationPrefix
Gets the prefix to use before each message to the player.
- getPrefix(ConversationContext) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.NullConversationPrefix
Prepends each conversation message with an empty string.
- getPrefix(ConversationContext) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.PluginNameConversationPrefix
Prepends each conversation message with the plugin name.
- getPrefix() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the token to prefix plugin-specific logging messages with.
- getPrefix() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the prefix prepended to the display of players on this team.
- getPreviousBookMeta() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
Gets the book meta currently on the book.
- getPreviousLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.SpawnChangeEvent
Gets the previous spawn location
- getPreviousSlot() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
Gets the previous held slot index
- getPreviousValue() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
Gets the previous value of the statistic.
- getPriority() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
Gets the priority for this registration
- getPriority() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider
- getProfession() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Villager
Gets the current profession of this villager.
- getProfession(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Villager.Profession
- getProjectile() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
Gets the projectile which will be launched by this event
- getPromptText(ConversationContext) - Method in interface org.bukkit.conversations.Prompt
Gets the text to display to the user when this prompt is first
- getProvider() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServiceEvent
- getProvider() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider
- getProvidingPlugin(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
This method provides fast access to the plugin that has provided the
given class.
- getPVP() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the current PVP setting for this world.
- getQuitMessage() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
Gets the quit message to send to all online players
- getRadius() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
Gets the radius of the explosion
- getRandom() - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets a random vector with components having a random value between 0
and 1.
- getRawAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.entity.Player.Spigot
Gets the connection address of this player, regardless of whether it
has been spoofed or not.
- getRawBiomeRainfall(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get raw biome rainfall (0.0-1.0) at given coordinate
- getRawBiomeTemperature(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Get raw biome temperature (0.0-1.0) at given coordinate
- getRawData() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
- getRawName() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
- getRawNote() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.NoteBlock
- getRawSlot() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
The raw slot number clicked, ready for passing to
This slot number is unique for the view.
- getRawSlots() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets the raw slot ids to be changed in this drag.
- getRawType() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursor
- getRealAddress() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
Gets the connection address of this player, regardless of whether it has been spoofed or not.
- getReason() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanEntry
Gets the reason for this ban.
- getReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetEvent
Returns the reason for the targeting
- getReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityUnleashEvent
Returns the reason for the unleashing.
- getReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
Gets the reason why the player is getting kicked
- getReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.PortalCreateEvent
Gets the reason for the portal's creation
- getRecipe() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
- getRecipe() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent
Get the recipe that has been formed.
- getRecipe() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.CraftingInventory
Get the current recipe formed on the crafting inventory, if any.
- getRecipesFor(ItemStack) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getRecipesFor(ItemStack) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get a list of all recipes for a given item.
- getRecipients() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent
Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed to.
- getRecipients() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed to
- getRecipients() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
This method is provided for backward compatibility with no
guarantee to the effect of viewing or modifying the set.
- getRed() - Method in class org.bukkit.Color
Gets the red component
- getRegainReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
Gets the reason for why the entity is regaining health
- getRegisteredListeners() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
Get the baked registered listeners associated with this handler list
- getRegisteredListeners(Plugin) - Static method in class org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
Get a specific plugin's registered listeners associated with this
handler list
- getRegistration(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager
Queries for a provider registration.
- getRegistration(Class<T>) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimpleServicesManager
Queries for a provider registration.
- getRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager
Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
- getRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager
Get registrations of providers for a service.
- getRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimpleServicesManager
Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
- getRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.SimpleServicesManager
Get registrations of providers for a service.
- getRelative(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the block at the given offsets
- getRelative(BlockFace) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the block at the given face
- getRelative(BlockFace, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
- getRelativeDouble(double, CommandSender, String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
- getRemaining() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPickupItemEvent
Gets the amount remaining on the ground, if any
- getRemainingAir() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns the amount of air that the living entity has remaining, in
- getRemovalCallback() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment
Gets the class that was previously set to be called when this
attachment was removed from a
- getRemover() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent
Gets the entity that removed the hanging entity
- getRemover() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakByEntityEvent
Gets the entity that removed the painting
- getRemoveWhenFarAway() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
Returns if the living entity despawns when away from players or not.
- getRenderers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
Get a list of MapRenderers currently in effect.
- getRepairCost() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.Repairable
Gets the repair penalty
- getReplacedBlockStates() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockMultiPlaceEvent
Gets a list of blockstates for all blocks which were replaced by the
placement of the new blocks.
- getResource(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
- getResource(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Gets an embedded resource in this plugin
- getRespawnLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
Gets the current respawn location
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
Gets the resultant ItemStack for this event
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
Gets the current result of the login, as an enum
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the current result of the login, as an enum
- getResult() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.CraftingInventory
Check what item is in the result slot of this crafting inventory.
- getResult() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
Get the current item in the result slot.
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
Get the result of this recipe.
- getResult() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe
Get the result of this recipe.
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
Get the result.
- getResult() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
Get the result of this recipe.
- getRetractLocation() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent
Gets the location where the possible moving block might be if the
retracting piston is sticky.
- getRightClicked() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
Gets the entity that was rightclicked by the player.
- getRightSide() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getRightSide() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
Get the right side of this double chest.
- getRoot() - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
- getRoot() - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getRotation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Skull
Gets the rotation of the skull in the world
- getRotation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame
Get the rotation of the frame's item
- getSaddle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory
Gets the item in the horse's saddle slot.
- getSaturation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players current saturation level.
- getScale() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
Get the scale of this map.
- getScheduler() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getScheduler() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the scheduler for managing scheduled events.
- getScore(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Scoreboards can contain entries that aren't players
- getScore(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets an entry's Score for an Objective on this Scoreboard.
- getScore() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score
Gets the current score
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the Scoreboard displayed to this player
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective
Gets the scoreboard to which this objective is attached.
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score
Gets the scoreboard for the associated objective.
- getScoreboard() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the Scoreboard to which this team is attached
- getScoreboardManager() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getScoreboardManager() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the instance of the scoreboard manager.
- getScores(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Scoreboards can contain entries that aren't players
- getScores(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets all scores for an entry on this Scoreboard
- getSeaLevel() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the sea level for this world.
- getSearchRadius() - Method in interface org.bukkit.TravelAgent
Gets the search radius value for finding an available portal.
- getSeed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the Seed for this world.
- getSender() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
Get the command sender.
- getServer() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
Gets the current
- getServer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
Returns the server instance that this command is running on
- getServer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets the
that contains this Entity
- getServer() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Returns the Server instance currently running this plugin
- getServer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the Server instance currently running this plugin
- getServerIcon() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getServerIcon() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets an instance of the server's default server-icon.
- getServerId() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getServerId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get an ID of this server.
- getServerName() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getServerName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get the name of this server.
- getService() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider
- getServicesManager() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getServicesManager() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a services manager.
- getSessionData(Object) - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationContext
Gets session data shared between all
- getShape() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
Get the shape.
- getShooter() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Projectile
Retrieve the shooter of this projectile.
- getShortList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Short by path.
- getShortList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getShortText() - Method in class org.bukkit.help.HelpTopic
Returns a brief description that will be displayed in the topic index.
- getShowEffect() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.ExpBottleEvent
This method indicates if the particle effect should be shown.
- getShutdownMessage() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getShutdownMessage() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the default message that is displayed when the server is stopped.
- getSize() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Slime
- getSize() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns the size of the inventory
- getSize() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.CocoaPlant
Get size of plant
- getSize() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the size of the team
- getSkeletonType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton
Gets the current type of this skeleton.
- getSkullType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Skull
Gets the type of skull
- getSleepTicks() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
Get the sleep ticks of the player.
- getSlicesEaten() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Cake
Gets the number of slices eaten from this cake
- getSlicesRemaining() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Cake
Gets the number of slices remaining on this cake
- getSlot() - Method in enum org.bukkit.event.EventPriority
- getSlot() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
- getSlot() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
Gets the inventory slot number for the book item that triggered this
- getSlotType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Gets the type of slot that was clicked.
- getSmelting() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
Get the item currently smelting.
- getSoftDepend() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives a list of other plugins that the plugin requires for full
- getSource() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanEntry
Gets the source of this ban.
- getSource() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.TNTPrimed
Gets the source of this primed TNT.
- getSource() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
Gets the source block involved in this event.
- getSource() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
Gets the smelted ItemStack for this event
- getSource() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
Gets the Inventory that the ItemStack is being taken from
- getSpawnedType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner
Get the spawner's creature type.
- getSpawnedType() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg
Get the type of entity this egg will spawn.
- getSpawner() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.SpawnerSpawnEvent
- getSpawnLocation() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the default spawn
of this world
- getSpawnLocation() - Method in class org.spigotmc.event.player.PlayerSpawnLocationEvent
Gets player's spawn location.
- getSpawnRadius() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getSpawnRadius() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the radius, in blocks, around each worlds spawn point to protect.
- getSpawnReason() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
Gets the reason for why the creature is being spawned.
- getSpecies() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.StructureGrowEvent
Gets the species type (birch, normal, pine, red mushroom, brown
- getSpecies() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Leaves
Gets the current species of this leave
- getSpecies() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.LongGrass
Gets the current species of this grass
- getSpecies() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Tree
Gets the current species of this tree
- getSpecies() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.WoodenStep
Gets the current species of this tree
- getStartLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment
Gets the level that this Enchantment should start at
- getStartLevel() - Method in class org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper
- getState() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Captures the current state of this block.
- getState() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation
Returns Returns the current state of the conversation.
- getState() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
Gets the state of the fishing
- getState() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Crops
Gets the current growth state of this crop
- getState() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.NetherWarts
Gets the current growth state of this nether wart
- getStatistic(Statistic) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
- getStatistic(Statistic, Material) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
- getStatistic(Statistic, EntityType) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
- getStatistic() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
Gets the statistic that is being incremented.
- getStatisticFromInternalName(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.UnsafeValues
- getStoredEnchantLevel(Enchantment) - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta
Checks for the level of the stored enchantment.
- getStoredEnchants() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta
Gets a copy the stored enchantments in this ItemMeta.
- getString(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested String by path.
- getString(String, String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested String by path, returning a default value if not
- getString(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getString(String, String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getStringList(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of String by path.
- getStringList(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getStyle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the horse's style.
- getSuffix() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team
Gets the suffix appended to the display of players on this team.
- getTabCompleter() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand
- getTabCompletions() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
This is the collection of completions for this event.
- getTarget() - Method in interface org.bukkit.BanEntry
Gets the target involved.
- getTarget() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Creature
Gets the current target of this Creature
- getTarget() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetEvent
Get the entity that this is targeting.
- getTarget() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent
- getTargetBlock(HashSet<Byte>, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
- getTaskId() - Method in class org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable
Gets the task id for this runnable.
- getTaskId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
Returns the taskId for the task.
- getTaskId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitWorker
Returns the taskId for the task being executed by this worker.
- getTeam(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets a Team by name on this Scoreboard
- getTeams() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets all teams on this Scoreboard
- getTemperature() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the temperature of the biome of this block
- getTemperature(int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the temperature for the given block coordinates.
- getTextResource(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
Provides a reader for a text file located inside the jar.
- getTextureIndex() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Step
- getTextureIndex() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.TexturedMaterial
- getTextures() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.MonsterEggs
- getTextures() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.SmoothBrick
- getTextures() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Step
- getTextures() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.TexturedMaterial
Retrieve a list of possible textures.
- getThread() - Method in interface org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitWorker
Returns the thread for the worker.
- getThunderDuration() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get the thundering duration.
- getTicksLived() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.
- getTicksPerAnimalSpawns() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getTicksPerAnimalSpawns() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets default ticks per animal spawns value.
- getTicksPerAnimalSpawns() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the world's ticks per animal spawns value
- getTicksPerMonsterSpawns() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getTicksPerMonsterSpawns() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the default ticks per monster spawns value.
- getTicksPerMonsterSpawns() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the world's ticks per monster spawns value
- getTier() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
- getTileEntities() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Get a list of all tile entities in the chunk.
- getTime() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the relative in-game time of this world.
- getTitle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns the title of this inventory.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Get the title of this inventory window.
- getTitle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta
Gets the title of the book.
- getTo() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent
Gets the Material that the block is changing into
- getTo() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
Gets the location that this entity moved to
- getTo() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
Gets the location this player moved to
- getTo() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
Get the next position.
- getToBlock() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
Convenience method for getting the faced Block.
- getTone() - Method in class org.bukkit.Note
Returns the tone of this note.
- getTopInventory() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Get the upper inventory involved in this transaction.
- getTotalExperience() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the players total experience points
- getTotalPages() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.ChatPage
- getTotalTime() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.TimedRegisteredListener
Gets the total time calls to this listener have taken
- getType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the type of this block
- getType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the type of this block
- getType() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Effect
- getType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Get the type of the entity.
- getType(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot.Type
- getType(int) - Static method in enum org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton.SkeletonType
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent
Gets the DragType that describes the behavior of ItemStacks placed
after this InventoryDragEvent.
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.FireworkEffect
Get the type of the firework effect.
- getType() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Instrument
- getType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Returns what type of inventory this is.
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView
Determine the type of inventory involved in the transaction.
- getType() - Method in enum org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView.Property
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
Gets the type of this item
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursor
Get the type of this cursor.
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Coal
Gets the current type of this coal
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.material.Sandstone
Gets the current type of this sandstone
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.Potion
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect
- getType() - Method in class org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectTypeWrapper
Get the potion type bound to this wrapper.
- getType() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Statistic
Gets the type of this statistic.
- getTypeId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
- getTypeId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
- getTypeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.BlockChangeDelegate
- getTypeId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.CreatureType
- getTypeId() - Method in enum org.bukkit.entity.EntityType
- getTypeId() - Method in class org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
- getUID() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the Unique ID of this world
- getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.AnimalTamer
This is the UUID of the specified AnimalTamer.
- getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Returns a unique and persistent id for this entity
- getUniqueId() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player's unique ID.
- getUniqueId() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
Gets the player's unique ID.
- getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
Returns the UUID of this player
- getUnoccupiedDeceleration() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Boat
Gets the deceleration rate (newSpeed = curSpeed * rate) of unoccupied
- getUnsafe() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getUnsafe() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
- getUpdateFolder() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getUpdateFolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the name of the update folder.
- getUpdateFolderFile() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getUpdateFolderFile() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the update folder.
- getUsage() - Method in class org.bukkit.command.Command
Gets an example usage of this command
- getValue() - Method in enum org.bukkit.Difficulty
- getValue() - Method in enum org.bukkit.GameMode
- getValue() - Method in enum org.bukkit.map.MapCursor.Type
- getValue() - Method in enum org.bukkit.map.MapView.Scale
- getValue() - Method in class org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo
Gets the value of this permission
- getValue(boolean) - Method in enum org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault
Calculates the value of this PermissionDefault for the given operator
- getValues(boolean) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets a Map containing all keys and their values for this section.
- getValues(boolean) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getVariant() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Horse
Gets the horse's variant.
- getVector(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Vector by path.
- getVector(String, Vector) - Method in interface org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested
by path, returning a default value if
not found.
- getVector(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getVector(String, Vector) - Method in class org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
- getVehicle() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Get the vehicle that this player is inside.
- getVehicle() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEvent
Get the vehicle.
- getVelocity() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets this entity's current velocity
- getVelocity() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle
Gets the vehicle's velocity.
- getVelocity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDispenseEvent
Gets the velocity.
- getVelocity() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent
Gets the velocity vector that will be sent to the player
- getVersion() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the version of the plugin.
- getVersion() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the version string of this server implementation.
- getView() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
Gets the view object itself
- getViewDistance() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getViewDistance() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get the view distance from this server.
- getViewers() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
Gets the list of players viewing the primary (upper) inventory involved
in this event
- getViewers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory
Gets a list of players viewing the inventory.
- getWalkSpeed() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gets the current allowed speed that a client can walk.
- getWarningState() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWarningState() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the current warning state for the server.
- getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets user-specified limit for number of water animals that can spawn in
a chunk.
- getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the limit for number of water animals that can spawn in a chunk in
this world
- getWeatherDuration() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Get the remaining time in ticks of the current conditions.
- getWebsite() - Method in class org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile
Gives the plugin's or plugin's author's website.
- getWhitelistedPlayers() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWhitelistedPlayers() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a list of whitelisted players.
- getWhoClicked() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent
Gets the player who performed the click.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont.CharacterSprite
Get the width of the character sprite.
- getWidth(String) - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapFont
Get the width of the given text as it would be rendered using this
- getWoolData() - Method in enum org.bukkit.DyeColor
- getWorkOnLand() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Boat
Get whether boats can work on land.
- getWorld() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the world which contains this Block
- getWorld() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the world which contains this Block
- getWorld() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getWorld(String) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWorld(UUID) - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWorld() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Gets the world containing this chunk
- getWorld() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Gets the current world this entity resides in
- getWorld() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.weather.WeatherEvent
Returns the World where this event is occurring
- getWorld() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.world.WorldEvent
Gets the world primarily involved with this event
- getWorld() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the world that this location resides in
- getWorld() - Method in interface org.bukkit.map.MapView
Get the world that this map is associated with.
- getWorld(String) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the world with the given name.
- getWorld(UUID) - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the world from the given Unique ID.
- getWorldContainer() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWorldContainer() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets the folder that contains all of the various
- getWorldFolder() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the folder of this world on disk.
- getWorldName() - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Gets name of the world containing this chunk
- getWorlds() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWorlds() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Gets a list of all worlds on this server.
- getWorldType() - Static method in class org.bukkit.Bukkit
- getWorldType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Server
Get world type (level-type setting) for default world.
- getWorldType() - Method in interface org.bukkit.World
Gets the type of this world.
- getWScale() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator
Gets the scale used for each W-coordinates passed
- getX() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the x-coordinate of this block
- getX() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the x-coordinate of this block
- getX() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getX() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Gets the X-coordinate of this chunk
- getX() - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Gets the X-coordinate of this chunk
- getX() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the x-coordinate of this location
- getX() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursor
Get the X position of this cursor.
- getX() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the X component.
- getXScale() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
Gets the scale used for each X-coordinates passed
- getY() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the y-coordinate of this block
- getY() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the y-coordinate of this block
- getY() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getY() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the y-coordinate of this location
- getY() - Method in class org.bukkit.map.MapCursor
Get the Y position of this cursor.
- getY() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the Y component.
- getYaw() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the yaw of this location, measured in degrees.
- getYield() - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Explosive
Return the radius or yield of this explosive's explosion
- getYield() - Method in class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
Returns the percentage of blocks to drop from this explosion
- getYScale() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
Gets the scale used for each Y-coordinates passed
- getZ() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.Block
Gets the z-coordinate of this block
- getZ() - Method in interface org.bukkit.block.BlockState
Gets the z-coordinate of this block
- getZ() - Method in class org.bukkit.block.DoubleChest
- getZ() - Method in interface org.bukkit.Chunk
Gets the Z-coordinate of this chunk
- getZ() - Method in interface org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot
Gets the Z-coordinate of this chunk
- getZ() - Method in class org.bukkit.Location
Gets the z-coordinate of this location
- getZ() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.Vector
Gets the Z component.
- getZScale() - Method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.OctaveGenerator
Gets the scale used for each Z-coordinates passed
- Ghast - Interface in org.bukkit.entity
Represents a Ghast.
- Giant - Interface in org.bukkit.entity
Represents a Giant.
- GiveCommand - Class in org.bukkit.command.defaults
- GiveCommand() - Constructor for class org.bukkit.command.defaults.GiveCommand
- giveExp(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gives the player the amount of experience specified.
- giveExpLevels(int) - Method in interface org.bukkit.entity.Player
Gives the player the amount of experience levels specified.
- Golem - Interface in org.bukkit.entity
A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.
- gracefulExit() - Method in class org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent
Indicates how the conversation was abandoned - naturally as part of the
prompt chain or prematurely via a
- grad(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.bukkit.util.noise.NoiseGenerator
- grad3 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.PerlinNoiseGenerator
- grad4 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexNoiseGenerator
- GrassSpecies - Enum in org.bukkit
Represents the different types of grass.
- GRAY - Static variable in class org.bukkit.Color
Gray, or (0x80,0x80,0x80) in (R,G,B)
- GRAY_1 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.map.MapPalette
- GRAY_2 - Static variable in class org.bukkit.map.MapPalette
- GREEN - Static variable in class org.bukkit.Color
Green, or (0x00,0x80,0x00) in (R,G,B)
- GUARANTEED_NO_WRAP_CHAT_PAGE_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator