Uses of Interface
Packages that use Entity
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
including special states.Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Interfaces for various
relating to entities that hang
relating to vehicular entities
.Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
Classes relevant to loot table manipulation and generation.
Classes related to creating or using
without creating Structure
in the world.Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
Spigot-specific entity events.
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit
Methods in org.bukkit with type parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends Entity>
(T entity) Spawns a previously created entity in the world.<T extends Entity>
(Location location, Class<T> clazz) Creates an entity of a specific class at the givenLocation
but does not spawn it in the world.<T extends Entity>
(Class<T> cls) Get a collection of all entities in this RegionAccessor matching the given class/interface<T extends Entity>
(Class<T> cls) Get a collection of all entities in this World matching the given class/interface<T extends Entity>
(Class<T>... classes) Deprecated.<T extends Entity>
TSpawn an entity of a specific class at the givenLocation
<T extends Entity>
(Location location, Class<T> clazz, boolean randomizeData, Consumer<? super T> function) Creates a new entity at the givenLocation
with the supplied function run before the entity is added to the world.<T extends Entity>
TSpawn an entity of a specific class at the givenLocation
, with the supplied function run before the entity is added to the world.Methods in org.bukkit that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntity[]
Get a list of all entities in the chunk.static Entity
Gets an entity on the server by its UUIDGets an entity on the server by its UUIDVibration.Destination.EntityDestination.getEntity()
(Location location, EntityType type) Creates a entity at the givenLocation
(Location loc, EntityType type, boolean randomizeData) Creates a new entity at the givenLocation
.Methods in org.bukkit that return types with arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityEffect.getApplicable()
Gets entity superclass which this affect is applicable to.RegionAccessor.getEntities()
Get a list of all entities in this RegionAccessorWorld.getEntities()
Get a list of all entities in this WorldRegionAccessor.getEntitiesByClasses
(Class<?>... classes) Get a collection of all entities in this RegionAccessor matching any of the given classes/interfacesWorld.getEntitiesByClasses
(Class<?>... classes) Get a collection of all entities in this World matching any of the given classes/interfacesWorld.getNearbyEntities
(Location location, double x, double y, double z) Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around a Location.World.getNearbyEntities
(Location location, double x, double y, double z, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around a Location.World.getNearbyEntities
(BoundingBox boundingBox) Returns a list of entities within the given bounding box.World.getNearbyEntities
(BoundingBox boundingBox, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Returns a list of entities within the given bounding box.Bukkit.selectEntities
(CommandSender sender, String selector) Selects entities using the given Vanilla selector.Server.selectEntities
(CommandSender sender, String selector) Selects entities using the given Vanilla selector.Methods in org.bukkit with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(double x, double y, double z, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks, Entity source) Creates explosion at given coordinates with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire or breaking blocks.boolean
(Location loc, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks, Entity source) Creates explosion at given coordinates with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire or breaking blocks.boolean
(Entity entity) Checks if this effect is applicable to the given entity.void
Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.void
(Entity entity, String sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch) Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.void
(Entity entity, String sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch, long seed) Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.void
Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.void
(Entity entity, Sound sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch) Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.void
(Entity entity, Sound sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch, long seed) Play a Sound at the location of the provided entity in the World.Method parameters in org.bukkit with type arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWorld.getNearbyEntities
(Location location, double x, double y, double z, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around a Location.World.getNearbyEntities
(BoundingBox boundingBox, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Returns a list of entities within the given bounding box.boolean
(Class<? extends Entity> clazz) Checks if this effect is applicable to the given entity class.World.rayTrace
(Location start, Vector direction, double maxDistance, FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode, boolean ignorePassableBlocks, double raySize, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Performs a ray trace that checks for both block and entity collisions.World.rayTraceEntities
(Location start, Vector direction, double maxDistance, double raySize, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.World.rayTraceEntities
(Location start, Vector direction, double maxDistance, Predicate<? super Entity> filter) Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.Constructors in org.bukkit with parameters of type Entity -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.block
Classes in org.bukkit.block with type parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
EntityBlockStorage<T extends Entity>
Represents a captured state of a block which stores entities.Methods in org.bukkit.block with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a list of items which would drop by the entity destroying this block with a specific toolboolean
Ring this bell in the direction that the bell is facing.boolean
Ring this bell. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.entity
Subinterfaces of Entity in org.bukkit.entityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents an arrow.interface
Represents a Horse-like creature.interface
This interface defines or represents the abstract concept of skeleton-like entities on the server.interface
Represents a villager NPCinterface
Represents an entity that can age.interface
An Allay.interface
Represents an ambient mobinterface
Represents an Animal.interface
Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto entities which enter it.interface
An Axolotl.interface
Represents a Batinterface
Represents a Bee.interface
Represents a Blaze monsterinterface
Represents a block display entity.interface
Represents a boat entity.interface
Represents the Boss Entity.interface
Represents an entity that can age and breed.interface
Represents a Camel.interface
Represents a Spider.interface
with a chest.interface
Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.interface
Represents a Chicken.interface
Represents a cod fish.interface
Represents a single part of aComplexLivingEntity
Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller partsinterface
Represents a Cow.interface
Represents a Creature.interface
Represents a Creeperinterface
Represents anEntity
that has health and can take damage.interface
Represents a display entity which is designed to only have a visual function.interface
Represents a Donkey - variant ofChestedHorse
Drowned zombie.interface
Represents a thrown egg.interface
Represents an ElderGuardian - variant ofGuardian
A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragonsinterface
Represents an Ender Dragoninterface
Represents an ender dragon partinterface
Represents an Enderman.interface
Represents a thrown Ender Pearl entityinterface
Represents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.interface
Represents an Enemyinterface
Represents an Evoker "Illager".interface
Represents Evoker Fangs.interface
Represents an Experience Orb.interface
A representation of an explosive entityinterface
Represents a falling blockinterface
Represents a Fireball.interface
Represents a fish entity.interface
Represents a fishing hook.interface
Represents a Flying Entity.interface
What does the fox say?interface
A Frog.interface
Represents a Ghast.interface
Represents a Giant.interface
A Glow Item Frame.interface
A Glow Squid.interface
A Goat.interface
A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.interface
Represents a Hanging entityinterface
Represents a Hoglin.interface
Represents a Horse.interface
Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a playerinterface
Represents a Husk - variant ofZombie
Represents a type of "Illager".interface
Represents an Illusioner "Illager".interface
Represents an entity designed to only record interactions.interface
An iron Golem that protects Villages.interface
Represents a dropped item.interface
Represents an item display entity.interface
Represents an Item Frameinterface
Represents a largeFireball
Represents a Leash Hitch on a fenceinterface
Represents an instance of a lightning strike.interface
Deprecated.lingering status depends on only on the potion item.interface
Represents a living entity, such as a monster or playerinterface
Represents a Llama.interface
Represents Llama spit.interface
Represents a MagmaCube.interface
A Marker entity, exists only on the server.interface
Represents a minecart entity.interface
Represents a Mob.interface
Represents a Monster.interface
Represents a Mule - variant ofChestedHorse
Represents a mushroomCow
Represents a non-player characterinterface
A wild tameable catinterface
Represents a Painting.interface
Panda entity.interface
Represents a Parrot.interface
Represents a phantom.interface
Represents a Pig.interface
Represents a Piglin.interface
Piglin / Piglin Brute.interface
Represents a Piglin Brute.interface
Represents a Pig Zombie.interface
Illager entity.interface
Represents a player, connected or notinterface
Represents a polar bear.interface
Represents a shootable entity.interface
Represents a puffer fish.interface
Illager beast.interface
Represents a salmon fish.interface
Represents a Sheep.interface
Represents a Silverfish.interface
Represents a sized fireball.interface
Represents a Skeleton.interface
Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse
Represents a Slime.interface
Represents a smallFireball
Represents a Sniffer.interface
Represents a snowball.interface
Represents a snowman entityinterface
Represents a spectral arrow.interface
Represents a spell casting "Illager".interface
Represents a Spider.interface
Deprecated.splash status depends on only on the potion item.interface
Represents a Squid.interface
Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.interface
Represents a Stray - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
Represents a Strider.interface
A babyFrog
Represents a text display entity.interface
Represents a thrown Experience bottle.interface
Represents a thrown potion bottleinterface
Deprecated.tipped status depends only on base potion type not being UNCRAFTABLE and effects being empty.interface
Represents a Primed TNT.interface
Represents a trader Llama.interface
Represents a thrown trident.interface
Tropical fish.interface
Represents a turtle.interface
Represents a vehicle entity.interface
Represents a Vex.interface
Represents a villager NPCinterface
Represents a Vindicator.interface
Represents a wandering trader NPCinterface
A Warden.interface
Represents a Water Mobinterface
Represents a Witchinterface
Represents a Wither bossinterface
Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
Represents a wither skullFireball
Represents a Wolfinterface
Represents a Zoglin.interface
Represents a Zombie.interface
Represents a ZombieHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse
Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntity.copy()
Creates a copy of this entity and all its data.Creates a copy of this entity and all its data.EntitySnapshot.createEntity
(Location to) Creates an entity using this template and spawns it at the provided location.EntitySnapshot.createEntity
(World world) Creates an entity using this template.FishHook.getHookedEntity()
Get the entity hooked by this fish hook.LivingEntity.getLeashHolder()
Gets the entity that is currently leading this entity.Entity.getPassenger()
Deprecated.entities may have multiple passengers, usegetPassengers()
Deprecated.There are currently no well defined semantics regarding serialized entities in Bukkit.HumanEntity.getShoulderEntityRight()
Deprecated.There are currently no well defined semantics regarding serialized entities in Bukkit.TNTPrimed.getSource()
Gets the source of this primed TNT.Player.getSpectatorTarget()
Gets the entity which is followed by the camera when inGameMode.SPECTATOR
Retrieve the target of this bullet.Frog.getTongueTarget()
Gets the tongue target of this frog.Entity.getVehicle()
Get the vehicle that this entity is inside.Methods in org.bukkit.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityType.getEntityClass()
(double x, double y, double z) Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around this entityEntity.getPassengers()
Gets a list of passengers of this vehicle.Methods in org.bukkit.entity with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Entity passenger) Add a passenger to the vehicle.void
Makes this entity attack the given entity with a melee attack.boolean
Checks to see if an entity has been visually hidden from this player.void
(Entity entity) Clears the anger level of this warden.void
Deals the given amount of damage to this entity, from a specified
Gets the anger level of this warden.boolean
(Entity other) Checks whether the living entity has block line of sight to another.void
(Plugin plugin, Entity entity) Visually hides an entity from this player.void
(Entity entity, int increase) Increases the anger level of this warden.void
Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.void
(Entity entity, String sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch) Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.void
(Entity entity, String sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch, long seed) Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.void
Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.void
(Entity entity, Sound sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch) Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.void
(Entity entity, Sound sound, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch, long seed) Play a sound for a player at the location of the entity.boolean
(Entity passenger) Remove a passenger from the vehicle.void
(Location loc, float progress, Entity source) Send block damage.void
Sets the anger level of this warden.void
(Entity entity) Set the entity hooked by this fish hook.boolean
(Entity holder) Sets the leash on this entity to be held by the supplied entity.boolean
(Entity passenger) Deprecated.entities may have multiple passengers, useaddPassenger(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)
(Entity entity) Deprecated.There are currently no well defined semantics regarding serialized entities in Bukkit.void
(Entity entity) Deprecated.There are currently no well defined semantics regarding serialized entities in Bukkit.void
Sets the source of this primed TNT.void
(Entity entity) Sets the entity which is followed by the camera when inGameMode.SPECTATOR
Sets the target of this bulletvoid
(Entity target) Sets the tongue target of this frog.void
(Plugin plugin, Entity entity) Allows this player to see an entity that was previously hidden.boolean
Teleports this entity to the target Entity.boolean
(Entity destination, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) Teleports this entity to the target Entity.boolean
(Entity entity) Randomly teleports the Enderman towards the givenentity
. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.entity.minecart
Subinterfaces of Entity in org.bukkit.entity.minecartModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents a Minecart with TNT inside it that can explode when triggered.interface
Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside itinterface
Represents a powered minecart.interface
Represents a minecart that can have certainentities
as passengers.interface
Represents a Minecart with anentity spawner
inside it.interface
Represents a minecart with a chest. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.event.block
Methods in org.bukkit.event.block that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBellRingEvent.getEntity()
Get theEntity
that rang the bell (if there was one).BlockReceiveGameEvent.getEntity()
Get the entity which triggered this event, if present.BlockShearEntityEvent.getEntity()
Gets the entity that was sheared.CauldronLevelChangeEvent.getEntity()
Get entity which did this.EntityBlockFormEvent.getEntity()
Get the entity that formed the block.BlockIgniteEvent.getIgnitingEntity()
Gets the entity who ignited this blockTNTPrimeEvent.getPrimingEntity()
Get the entity that caused the TNT to be primed.Constructors in org.bukkit.event.block with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionBellRingEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockFace direction, Entity entity) BlockIgniteEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause, Entity ignitingEntity) BlockIgniteEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause, Entity ignitingEntity, Block ignitingBlock) BlockReceiveGameEvent
(GameEvent event, Block block, Entity entity) BlockShearEntityEvent
(Block dispenser, Entity sheared, ItemStack tool) CauldronLevelChangeEvent
(Block block, Entity entity, CauldronLevelChangeEvent.ChangeReason reason, BlockState newBlock) EntityBlockFormEvent
(Entity entity, Block block, BlockState blockstate) TNTPrimeEvent
(Block block, TNTPrimeEvent.PrimeCause igniteCause, Entity primingEntity, Block primingBlock) -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.event.entity
Fields in org.bukkit.event.entity declared as EntityMethods in org.bukkit.event.entity that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityCombustByEntityEvent.getCombuster()
Get the entity that caused the combustion event.EntityDamageByEntityEvent.getDamager()
Returns the entity that damaged the defender.EntityEvent.getEntity()
Returns the Entity involved in this eventPlayerLeashEntityEvent.getEntity()
Returns the entity being leashed.ProjectileHitEvent.getHitEntity()
Gets the entity that was hit, if it was an entity that was hit.PlayerLeashEntityEvent.getLeashHolder()
Returns the entity that is holding the leash.EntityShootBowEvent.getProjectile()
Gets the projectile which will be launched by this eventEntityTargetEvent.getTarget()
Get the entity that this is targeting.PigZombieAngerEvent.getTarget()
Gets the entity (if any) which triggered this anger update.EntityTransformEvent.getTransformedEntity()
Gets the entity that the original entity was transformed to.Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityTransformEvent.getTransformedEntities()
Gets the entities that the original entity was transformed to.Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Entity projectile) Replaces the projectile which will be launchedvoid
Set the entity that you want the mob to target instead.void
Set the Entity that you want the mob to target.Constructors in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityAirChangeEvent
(Entity what, int amount) EntityChangeBlockEvent
(Entity what, Block block, BlockData to) EntityCombustByBlockEvent
(Block combuster, Entity combustee, int duration) EntityCombustByEntityEvent
(Entity combuster, Entity combustee, int duration) EntityCombustEvent
(Entity combustee, int duration) EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, double damage) EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) EntityDamageByEntityEvent
(Entity damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, double damage) EntityDamageByEntityEvent
(Entity damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) EntityDamageEvent
(Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, double damage) EntityDamageEvent
(Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) EntityDropItemEvent
(Entity entity, Item drop) EntityEnterBlockEvent
(Entity entity, Block block) EntityEvent
(Entity what) EntityExplodeEvent
(Entity what, Location location, List<Block> blocks, float yield) EntityInteractEvent
(Entity entity, Block block) EntityPlaceEvent
(Entity entity, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace) Deprecated.EntityPlaceEvent
(Entity entity, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace, EquipmentSlot hand) EntityPortalEnterEvent
(Entity entity, Location location) EntityPortalEvent
(Entity entity, Location from, Location to) EntityPortalEvent
(Entity entity, Location from, Location to, int searchRadius) EntityPoseChangeEvent
(Entity who, Pose pose) EntityRegainHealthEvent
(Entity entity, double amount, EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason regainReason) EntityShootBowEvent
(LivingEntity shooter, ItemStack bow, ItemStack consumable, Entity projectile, EquipmentSlot hand, float force, boolean consumeItem) EntitySpawnEvent
(Entity spawnee) EntityTargetEvent
(Entity entity, Entity target, EntityTargetEvent.TargetReason reason) EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent
(Entity entity, LivingEntity target, EntityTargetEvent.TargetReason reason) EntityTeleportEvent
(Entity what, Location from, Location to) EntityTransformEvent
(Entity original, List<Entity> convertedList, EntityTransformEvent.TransformReason transformReason) EntityUnleashEvent
(Entity entity, EntityUnleashEvent.UnleashReason reason) ExpBottleEvent
(ThrownExpBottle bottle, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, int exp) ExplosionPrimeEvent
(Entity what, float radius, boolean fire) LingeringPotionSplashEvent
(ThrownPotion potion, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, AreaEffectCloud entity) PigZombieAngerEvent
(PigZombie pigZombie, Entity target, int newAnger) PlayerLeashEntityEvent
(Entity what, Entity leashHolder, Player leasher) Deprecated.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
(Entity what, Entity leashHolder, Player leasher, EquipmentSlot hand) PotionSplashEvent
(ThrownPotion potion, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, Map<LivingEntity, Double> affectedEntities) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Entity hitEntity) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace) ProjectileLaunchEvent
(Entity what) SpawnerSpawnEvent
(Entity spawnee, CreatureSpawner spawner) Constructor parameters in org.bukkit.event.entity with type arguments of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityTransformEvent
(Entity original, List<Entity> convertedList, EntityTransformEvent.TransformReason transformReason) -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.event.hanging
Methods in org.bukkit.event.hanging that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHangingBreakByEntityEvent.getRemover()
Gets the entity that removed the hanging entity.Constructors in org.bukkit.event.hanging with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionHangingBreakByEntityEvent
(Hanging hanging, Entity remover) HangingBreakByEntityEvent
(Hanging hanging, Entity remover, HangingBreakEvent.RemoveCause cause) -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.event.player
Fields in org.bukkit.event.player declared as EntityMethods in org.bukkit.event.player that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerFishEvent.getCaught()
Gets the entity caught by the player.PlayerBucketEntityEvent.getEntity()
Gets theEntity
being put into the bucket.PlayerHideEntityEvent.getEntity()
Gets the entity which has been hidden from the player.PlayerShearEntityEvent.getEntity()
Gets the entity the player is shearingPlayerShowEntityEvent.getEntity()
Gets the entity which has been shown to the player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent.getRightClicked()
Gets the entity that was right-clicked by the player.Constructors in org.bukkit.event.player with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionPlayerBucketEntityEvent
(Player player, Entity entity, ItemStack originalBucket, ItemStack entityBucket, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerFishEvent
(Player player, Entity entity, FishHook hookEntity, PlayerFishEvent.State state) PlayerFishEvent
(Player player, Entity entity, FishHook hookEntity, EquipmentSlot hand, PlayerFishEvent.State state) PlayerHideEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity entity) PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity clickedEntity, Vector position) PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity clickedEntity, Vector position, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInteractEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity clickedEntity) PlayerInteractEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity clickedEntity, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerShearEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity what) Deprecated.PlayerShearEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity what, ItemStack item, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerShowEntityEvent
(Player who, Entity entity) PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
(Entity entity, Player player) Deprecated.PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
(Entity entity, Player player, EquipmentSlot hand) -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.event.vehicle
Methods in org.bukkit.event.vehicle that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVehicleDamageEvent.getAttacker()
Gets the Entity that is attacking the vehicleVehicleDestroyEvent.getAttacker()
Gets the Entity that has destroyed the vehicle, potentially nullVehicleEnterEvent.getEntered()
Gets the Entity that entered the vehicle.VehicleEntityCollisionEvent.getEntity()
Constructors in org.bukkit.event.vehicle with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionVehicleDamageEvent
(Vehicle vehicle, Entity attacker, double damage) VehicleDestroyEvent
(Vehicle vehicle, Entity attacker) VehicleEnterEvent
(Vehicle vehicle, Entity entered) VehicleEntityCollisionEvent
(Vehicle vehicle, Entity entity) -
Uses of Entity in
Methods in that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGenericGameEvent.getEntity()
Get the entity which triggered this event, if present.LootGenerateEvent.getEntity()
Get the entity used as context for loot generation (if applicable).PortalCreateEvent.getEntity()
Returns the Entity that triggered this portal creation (if available)Methods in that return types with arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntitiesLoadEvent.getEntities()
Get the entities which are being loaded.EntitiesUnloadEvent.getEntities()
Get the entities which are being unloaded.Constructors in with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionGenericGameEvent
(GameEvent event, Location location, Entity entity, int radius, boolean isAsync) LootGenerateEvent
(World world, Entity entity, InventoryHolder inventoryHolder, LootTable lootTable, LootContext lootContext, List<ItemStack> items, boolean plugin) PortalCreateEvent
(List<BlockState> blocks, World world, Entity entity, PortalCreateEvent.CreateReason reason) Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionEntitiesLoadEvent
(Chunk chunk, List<Entity> entities) EntitiesUnloadEvent
(Chunk chunk, List<Entity> entities) -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.inventory
Methods in org.bukkit.inventory that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityEquipment.getHolder()
Get the entity this EntityEquipment belongs toMethods in org.bukkit.inventory with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionItemFactory.enchantItem
(Entity entity, ItemStack item, int level, boolean allowTreasures) Enchants the given item at the provided level. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.loot
Methods in org.bukkit.loot that return EntityMethods in org.bukkit.loot with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLootContext.Builder.lootedEntity
(Entity lootedEntity) The entity that was killed. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.structure
Methods in org.bukkit.structure that return types with arguments of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStructure.getEntities()
Gets a list of entities that have been included in the Structure. -
Uses of Entity in org.bukkit.util
Methods in org.bukkit.util that return EntityMethods in org.bukkit.util with parameters of type EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(LimitedRegion region, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity, boolean allowedToSpawn) Transforms a entity in a structure.Constructors in org.bukkit.util with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionRayTraceResult
(Vector hitPosition, Entity hitEntity) Creates a RayTraceResult.RayTraceResult
(Vector hitPosition, Entity hitEntity, BlockFace hitBlockFace) Creates a RayTraceResult. -
Uses of Entity in org.spigotmc.event.entity
Methods in org.spigotmc.event.entity that return EntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityDismountEvent.getDismounted()
Constructors in org.spigotmc.event.entity with parameters of type EntityModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityDismountEvent
(Entity what, Entity dismounted) EntityMountEvent
(Entity what, Entity mount)