Uses of Interface
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
including special states.Generalized BlockData classes.
Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input.
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Events
triggered from an enchantment table
relating to entities that hang
relating to vehicular entities
.Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
Classes to represent the source of a projectile
Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
Uses of Block in org.bukkit
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChunk.getBlock
(int x, int y, int z) Gets a block from this chunkLocation.getBlock()
Gets the block at the represented locationVibration.Destination.BlockDestination.getBlock()
(int x, int y, int z) Gets theBlock
at the given coordinatesWorld.getBlockAt
(Location location) World.getHighestBlockAt
(int x, int z) Gets the highest non-empty (impassable) block at the given coordinates.World.getHighestBlockAt
(int x, int z, HeightMap heightMap) Gets the highest block corresponding to theHeightMap
at the given coordinates.World.getHighestBlockAt
(Location location) Gets the highest non-empty (impassable) block at the given coordinates.World.getHighestBlockAt
(Location location, HeightMap heightMap) Gets the highest block corresponding to theHeightMap
at the given coordinates. -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockState.getBlock()
Gets the block represented by this block state.Block.getRelative
(int modX, int modY, int modZ) Gets the block at the given offsetsBlock.getRelative
(BlockFace face) Gets the block at the given faceBlock.getRelative
(BlockFace face, int distance) Gets the block at the given distance of the given faceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConduit.getFrameBlocks()
Get aCollection
of allBlocks
that make up the frame of this conduit. -
Uses of Block in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Block block) Checks if this state would be properly supported if it were placed at the givenBlock
. -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.command
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractArrow.getAttachedBlock()
Gets the block to which this arrow is attached.Raider.getPatrolTarget()
Gets the block the raider is targeting to patrol.LivingEntity.getTargetBlock
(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance) Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.LivingEntity.getTargetBlockExact
(int maxDistance) Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.LivingEntity.getTargetBlockExact
(int maxDistance, FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode) Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLivingEntity.getLastTwoTargetBlocks
(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance) Gets the last two blocks along the living entity's line of sight.LivingEntity.getLineOfSight
(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance) Gets all blocks along the living entity's line of sight.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Block block) Force this player to break a Block using the item in their main hand.void
(Block block) Sets the block the raider is targeting to patrol. -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.block
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected Block
protected Block
protected Block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal Block
Gets the block involved in this event.BlockPlaceEvent.getBlockAgainst()
Gets the block that this block was placed againstBlockPlaceEvent.getBlockPlaced()
Clarity method for getting the placed block.BlockBurnEvent.getIgnitingBlock()
Gets the block which ignited this block.BlockIgniteEvent.getIgnitingBlock()
Gets the block which ignited this blockTNTPrimeEvent.getPrimingBlock()
Get the block that caused the TNT to be primed.BlockSpreadEvent.getSource()
Gets the source block involved in this event.BlockPhysicsEvent.getSourceBlock()
Gets the source block that triggered this event.BlockFromToEvent.getToBlock()
Convenience method for getting the faced Block.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockExplodeEvent.blockList()
Returns the list of blocks that would have been removed or were removed from the explosion event.BlockPistonExtendEvent.getBlocks()
Get an immutable list of the blocks which will be moved by the extending.BlockPistonRetractEvent.getBlocks()
Get an immutable list of the blocks which will be moved by the extending.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBellResonateEvent
(Block theBlock, List<LivingEntity> resonatedEntities) BellRingEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockFace direction, Entity entity) BlockBreakEvent
(Block theBlock, Player player) BlockBurnEvent
(Block block) Deprecated.BlockBurnEvent
(Block block, Block ignitingBlock) BlockCanBuildEvent
(Block block, BlockData type, boolean canBuild) Deprecated.BlockCanBuildEvent
(Block block, Player player, BlockData type, boolean canBuild) BlockCookEvent
(Block block, ItemStack source, ItemStack result) BlockDamageAbortEvent
(Player player, Block block, ItemStack itemInHand) BlockDamageEvent
(Player player, Block block, ItemStack itemInHand, boolean instaBreak) BlockDispenseArmorEvent
(Block block, ItemStack dispensed, LivingEntity target) BlockDispenseEvent
(Block block, ItemStack dispensed, Vector velocity) BlockDropItemEvent
(Block block, BlockState blockState, Player player, List<Item> items) BlockEvent
(Block theBlock) BlockExpEvent
(Block block, int exp) BlockExplodeEvent
(Block what, List<Block> blocks, float yield) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.BlockExplodeEvent
(Block what, BlockState blockState, List<Block> blocks, float yield) BlockFadeEvent
(Block block, BlockState newState) BlockFertilizeEvent
(Block theBlock, Player player, List<BlockState> blocks) BlockFormEvent
(Block block, BlockState newState) BlockFromToEvent
(Block block, Block toBlock) BlockFromToEvent
(Block block, BlockFace face) BlockGrowEvent
(Block block, BlockState newState) BlockIgniteEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause, Block ignitingBlock) BlockIgniteEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause, Entity ignitingEntity) BlockIgniteEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause, Entity ignitingEntity, Block ignitingBlock) BlockMultiPlaceEvent
(List<BlockState> states, Block clicked, ItemStack itemInHand, Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild) BlockPhysicsEvent
(Block block, BlockData changed) BlockPhysicsEvent
(Block block, BlockData changed, Block sourceBlock) BlockPistonEvent
(Block block, BlockFace direction) BlockPistonExtendEvent
(Block block, int length, BlockFace direction) Deprecated.BlockPistonExtendEvent
(Block block, List<Block> blocks, BlockFace direction) BlockPistonRetractEvent
(Block block, List<Block> blocks, BlockFace direction) BlockPlaceEvent
(Block placedBlock, BlockState replacedBlockState, Block placedAgainst, ItemStack itemInHand, Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild) Deprecated.BlockPlaceEvent
(Block placedBlock, BlockState replacedBlockState, Block placedAgainst, ItemStack itemInHand, Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild, EquipmentSlot hand) BlockReceiveGameEvent
(GameEvent event, Block block, Entity entity) BlockRedstoneEvent
(Block block, int oldCurrent, int newCurrent) BlockShearEntityEvent
(Block dispenser, Entity sheared, ItemStack tool) BlockSpreadEvent
(Block block, Block source, BlockState newState) BrewingStartEvent
(Block furnace, ItemStack source, int brewingTime) CampfireStartEvent
(Block furnace, ItemStack source, CampfireRecipe recipe) CauldronLevelChangeEvent
(Block block, Entity entity, CauldronLevelChangeEvent.ChangeReason reason, BlockState newBlock) EntityBlockFormEvent
(Entity entity, Block block, BlockState blockstate) FluidLevelChangeEvent
(Block theBlock, BlockData newData) InventoryBlockStartEvent
(Block block, ItemStack source) LeavesDecayEvent
(Block block) MoistureChangeEvent
(Block block, BlockState newState) NotePlayEvent
(Block block, Instrument instrument, Note note) SculkBloomEvent
(Block theBlock, int charge) SignChangeEvent
(Block theBlock, Player thePlayer, String[] theLines) Deprecated.SignChangeEvent
(Block theBlock, Player thePlayer, String[] theLines, Side side) SpongeAbsorbEvent
(Block block, List<BlockState> waterblocks) TNTPrimeEvent
(Block block, TNTPrimeEvent.PrimeCause igniteCause, Entity primingEntity, Block primingBlock) ModifierConstructorDescriptionBlockExplodeEvent
(Block what, List<Block> blocks, float yield) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.BlockExplodeEvent
(Block what, BlockState blockState, List<Block> blocks, float yield) BlockPistonExtendEvent
(Block block, List<Block> blocks, BlockFace direction) BlockPistonRetractEvent
(Block block, List<Block> blocks, BlockFace direction) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.enchantment
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEnchantItemEvent.getEnchantBlock()
Gets the block being used to enchant the itemPrepareItemEnchantEvent.getEnchantBlock()
Gets the block being used to enchant the itemModifierConstructorDescriptionEnchantItemEvent
(Player enchanter, InventoryView view, Block table, ItemStack item, int level, Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants, Enchantment enchantmentHint, int levelHint, int i) PrepareItemEnchantEvent
(Player enchanter, InventoryView view, Block table, ItemStack item, EnchantmentOffer[] offers, int bonus) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityChangeBlockEvent.getBlock()
Gets the block the entity is changingEntityEnterBlockEvent.getBlock()
Get the block the entity will enter.EntityInteractEvent.getBlock()
Returns the involved blockEntityPlaceEvent.getBlock()
Returns the block that the entity was placed onEntityCombustByBlockEvent.getCombuster()
The combuster can be lava or a block that is on fire.EntityDamageByBlockEvent.getDamager()
Returns the block that damaged the player.ProjectileHitEvent.getHitBlock()
Gets the block that was hit, if it was a block that was hit.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityExplodeEvent.blockList()
Returns the list of blocks that would have been removed or were removed from the explosion event.ModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityBreakDoorEvent
(LivingEntity entity, Block targetBlock) EntityChangeBlockEvent
(Entity what, Block block, BlockData to) EntityCombustByBlockEvent
(Block combuster, Entity combustee, int duration) EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, double damage) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, DamageSource damageSource, double damage) EntityDamageByBlockEvent
(Block damager, Entity damagee, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause, DamageSource damageSource, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) EntityEnterBlockEvent
(Entity entity, Block block) EntityInteractEvent
(Entity entity, Block block) EntityPlaceEvent
(Entity entity, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace) Deprecated.EntityPlaceEvent
(Entity entity, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace, EquipmentSlot hand) ExpBottleEvent
(ThrownExpBottle bottle, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, int exp) LingeringPotionSplashEvent
(ThrownPotion potion, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, AreaEffectCloud entity) PotionSplashEvent
(ThrownPotion potion, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace, Map<LivingEntity, Double> affectedEntities) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Block hitBlock) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock) ProjectileHitEvent
(Projectile projectile, Entity hitEntity, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace) ModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityExplodeEvent
(Entity what, Location location, List<Block> blocks, float yield) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.hanging
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHangingPlaceEvent.getBlock()
Returns the block that the hanging entity was placed onModifierConstructorDescriptionHangingPlaceEvent
(Hanging hanging, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace, EquipmentSlot hand) Deprecated.HangingPlaceEvent
(Hanging hanging, Player player, Block block, BlockFace blockFace, EquipmentSlot hand, ItemStack itemStack) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.inventory
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHopperInventorySearchEvent.getSearchBlock()
Gets the Block that is being searched for an inventory.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBrewEvent
(Block brewer, BrewerInventory contents, List<ItemStack> results, int fuelLevel) BrewingStandFuelEvent
(Block brewingStand, ItemStack fuel, int fuelPower) FurnaceBurnEvent
(Block furnace, ItemStack fuel, int burnTime) FurnaceExtractEvent
(Player player, Block block, Material itemType, int itemAmount, int exp) FurnaceSmeltEvent
(Block furnace, ItemStack source, ItemStack result) FurnaceStartSmeltEvent
(Block furnace, ItemStack source, CookingRecipe<?> recipe) HopperInventorySearchEvent
(Inventory inventory, HopperInventorySearchEvent.ContainerType containerType, Block hopper, Block searchBlock) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.player
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerBedEnterEvent.getBed()
Returns the bed block involved in this event.PlayerBedLeaveEvent.getBed()
Returns the bed block involved in this Block
Gets the block involved in this event.PlayerBucketEvent.getBlockClicked()
Return the block clickedPlayerInteractEvent.getClickedBlock()
Returns the clicked blockPlayerHarvestBlockEvent.getHarvestedBlock()
Gets the block that is being harvested.ModifierConstructorDescriptionPlayerBedEnterEvent
(Player who, Block bed) Deprecated.PlayerBedEnterEvent
(Player who, Block bed, PlayerBedEnterEvent.BedEnterResult bedEnterResult) PlayerBedLeaveEvent
(Player who, Block bed, boolean setBedSpawn) PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketEvent
(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketFillEvent
(Player who, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketFillEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketFillEvent
(Player who, Block block, Block blockClicked, BlockFace blockFace, Material bucket, ItemStack itemInHand, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerHarvestBlockEvent
(Player player, Block harvestedBlock, List<ItemStack> itemsHarvested) Deprecated.PlayerHarvestBlockEvent
(Player player, Block harvestedBlock, EquipmentSlot hand, List<ItemStack> itemsHarvested) PlayerInteractEvent
(Player who, Action action, ItemStack item, Block clickedBlock, BlockFace clickedFace) PlayerInteractEvent
(Player who, Action action, ItemStack item, Block clickedBlock, BlockFace clickedFace, EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInteractEvent
(Player who, Action action, ItemStack item, Block clickedBlock, BlockFace clickedFace, EquipmentSlot hand, Vector clickedPosition) -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.event.vehicle
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVehicleBlockCollisionEvent.getBlock()
Gets the block the vehicle collided with -
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.inventory
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.projectiles
Uses of Block in org.bukkit.util
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRayTraceResult.getHitBlock()
Gets the hit
Returns the next Block in the traceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic BoundingBox
Creates a new 1x1x1 sized bounding box containing the given block.static BoundingBox
Creates a new bounding box using the coordinates of the given blocks as corners.ModifierConstructorDescriptionRayTraceResult
(Vector hitPosition, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitBlockFace) Creates a RayTraceResult.