Interface PersistentDataContainer

public interface PersistentDataContainer
This interface represents a map like object, capable of storing custom tags in it.
  • Method Details

    • set

      <T, Z> void set(@NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, @NotNull Z value)
      Stores a metadata value on the PersistentDataHolder instance.

      This API cannot be used to manipulate minecraft data, as the values will be stored using your namespace. This method will override any existing value the PersistentDataHolder may have stored under the provided key.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the generic java type of the tag value
      Z - the generic type of the object to store
      key - the key this value will be stored under
      type - the type this tag uses
      value - the value stored in the tag
      NullPointerException - if the key is null
      NullPointerException - if the type is null
      NullPointerException - if the value is null. Removing a tag should be done using remove(NamespacedKey)
      IllegalArgumentException - if no suitable adapter will be found for the PersistentDataType.getPrimitiveType()
    • has

      <T, Z> boolean has(@NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull PersistentDataType<T,Z> type)
      Returns if the persistent metadata provider has metadata registered matching the provided parameters.

      This method will only return if the found value has the same primitive data type as the provided key.

      Storing a value using a custom PersistentDataType implementation will not store the complex data type. Therefore storing a UUID (by storing a byte[]) will match has("key" , PersistentDataType.BYTE_ARRAY). Likewise a stored byte[] will always match your UUID PersistentDataType even if it is not 16 bytes long.

      This method is only usable for custom object keys. Overwriting existing tags, like the the display name, will not work as the values are stored using your namespace.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the generic type of the stored primitive
      Z - the generic type of the eventually created complex object
      key - the key the value is stored under
      type - the type which primitive storage type has to match the value
      if a value
      NullPointerException - if the key to look up is null
      NullPointerException - if the type to cast the found object to is null
    • get

      @Nullable <T, Z> Z get(@NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull PersistentDataType<T,Z> type)
      Returns the metadata value that is stored on the PersistentDataHolder instance.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the generic type of the stored primitive
      Z - the generic type of the eventually created complex object
      key - the key to look up in the custom tag map
      type - the type the value must have and will be casted to
      the value or null if no value was mapped under the given value
      NullPointerException - if the key to look up is null
      NullPointerException - if the type to cast the found object to is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the value exists under the given key, but cannot be access using the given type
      IllegalArgumentException - if no suitable adapter will be found for the PersistentDataType.getPrimitiveType()
    • getOrDefault

      @NotNull <T, Z> Z getOrDefault(@NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull PersistentDataType<T,Z> type, @NotNull Z defaultValue)
      Returns the metadata value that is stored on the PersistentDataHolder instance. If the value does not exist in the container, the default value provided is returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the generic type of the stored primitive
      Z - the generic type of the eventually created complex object
      key - the key to look up in the custom tag map
      type - the type the value must have and will be casted to
      defaultValue - the default value to return if no value was found for the provided key
      the value or the default value if no value was mapped under the given value
      NullPointerException - if the key to look up is null
      NullPointerException - if the type to cast the found object to is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the value exists under the given key, but cannot be access using the given type
      IllegalArgumentException - if no suitable adapter will be found for the PersistentDataType.getPrimitiveType()
    • getKeys

      @NotNull Set<NamespacedKey> getKeys()
      Get a set of keys present on this PersistentDataContainer instance. Any changes made to the returned set will not be reflected on the instance.
      the key set
    • remove

      void remove(@NotNull NamespacedKey key)
      Removes a custom key from the PersistentDataHolder instance.
      key - the key
      NullPointerException - if the provided key is null
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns if the container instance is empty, therefore has no entries inside it.
      the boolean
    • getAdapterContext

      @NotNull PersistentDataAdapterContext getAdapterContext()
      Returns the adapter context this tag container uses.
      the tag context