Uses of Interface

Packages that use Lootable 
Package Description
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a world, including special states.
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.
Interfaces for various Minecart types.
  • Uses of Lootable in org.bukkit.block

    Subinterfaces of Lootable in org.bukkit.block 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  Barrel
    Represents a captured state of a Barrel.
    interface  Chest
    Represents a captured state of a chest.
    interface  Dispenser
    Represents a captured state of a dispenser.
    interface  Dropper
    Represents a captured state of a dropper.
    interface  Hopper
    Represents a captured state of a hopper.
    interface  ShulkerBox
    Represents a captured state of a ShulkerBox.
  • Uses of Lootable in org.bukkit.entity

    Subinterfaces of Lootable in org.bukkit.entity 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  AbstractHorse
    Represents a Horse-like creature.
    interface  AbstractVillager
    Represents a villager NPC
    interface  Ageable
    Represents an entity that can age.
    interface  Ambient
    Represents an ambient mob
    interface  Animals
    Represents an Animal.
    interface  Bat
    Represents a Bat
    interface  Bee
    Represents a Bee.
    interface  Blaze
    Represents a Blaze monster
    interface  Breedable
    Represents an entity that can age and breed.
    interface  Cat
    interface  CaveSpider
    Represents a Spider.
    interface  ChestedHorse
    Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.
    interface  Chicken
    Represents a Chicken.
    interface  Cod
    Represents a cod fish.
    interface  Cow
    Represents a Cow.
    interface  Creature
    Represents a Creature.
    interface  Creeper
    Represents a Creeper
    interface  Dolphin  
    interface  Donkey
    Represents a Donkey - variant of ChestedHorse.
    interface  Drowned
    Drowned zombie.
    interface  ElderGuardian
    Represents an ElderGuardian - variant of Guardian.
    interface  Enderman
    Represents an Enderman.
    interface  Endermite  
    interface  Evoker
    Represents an Evoker "Illager".
    interface  Fish
    Represents a fish entity.
    interface  Flying
    Represents a Flying Entity.
    interface  Fox
    What does the fox say?
    interface  Ghast
    Represents a Ghast.
    interface  Giant
    Represents a Giant.
    interface  Golem
    A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.
    interface  Guardian  
    interface  Hoglin
    Represents a Hoglin.
    interface  Horse
    Represents a Horse.
    interface  Husk
    Represents a Husk - variant of Zombie.
    interface  Illager
    Represents a type of "Illager".
    interface  Illusioner
    Represents an Illusioner "Illager".
    interface  IronGolem
    An iron Golem that protects Villages.
    interface  Llama
    Represents a Llama.
    interface  MagmaCube
    Represents a MagmaCube.
    interface  Mob
    Represents a Mob.
    interface  Monster
    Represents a Monster.
    interface  Mule
    Represents a Mule - variant of ChestedHorse.
    interface  MushroomCow
    Represents a mushroom Cow
    interface  NPC
    Represents a non-player character
    interface  Ocelot
    A wild tameable cat
    interface  Panda
    Panda entity.
    interface  Parrot
    Represents a Parrot.
    interface  Phantom
    Represents a phantom.
    interface  Pig
    Represents a Pig.
    interface  Piglin
    Represents a Piglin.
    interface  PiglinAbstract
    Piglin / Piglin Brute.
    interface  PiglinBrute
    Represents a Piglin Brute.
    interface  PigZombie
    Represents a Pig Zombie.
    interface  Pillager
    Illager entity.
    interface  PolarBear
    Represents a polar bear.
    interface  PufferFish
    Represents a puffer fish.
    interface  Rabbit  
    interface  Raider  
    interface  Ravager
    Illager beast.
    interface  Salmon
    Represents a salmon fish.
    interface  Sheep
    Represents a Sheep.
    interface  Shulker  
    interface  Silverfish
    Represents a Silverfish.
    interface  Skeleton
    Represents a Skeleton.
    interface  SkeletonHorse
    Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant of AbstractHorse.
    interface  Slime
    Represents a Slime.
    interface  Snowman
    Represents a snowman entity
    interface  Spellcaster
    Represents a spell casting "Illager".
    interface  Spider
    Represents a Spider.
    interface  Squid
    Represents a Squid.
    interface  Steerable
    Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.
    interface  Stray
    Represents a Stray - variant of Skeleton.
    interface  Strider
    Represents a Strider.
    interface  Tameable  
    interface  TraderLlama
    Represents a trader Llama.
    interface  TropicalFish
    Tropical fish.
    interface  Turtle
    Represents a turtle.
    interface  Vex
    Represents a Vex.
    interface  Villager
    Represents a villager NPC
    interface  Vindicator
    Represents a Vindicator.
    interface  WanderingTrader
    Represents a wandering trader NPC
    interface  WaterMob
    Represents a Water Mob
    interface  Witch
    Represents a Witch
    interface  Wither
    Represents a Wither boss
    interface  WitherSkeleton
    Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant of Skeleton.
    interface  Wolf
    Represents a Wolf
    interface  Zoglin
    Represents a Zoglin.
    interface  Zombie
    Represents a Zombie.
    interface  ZombieHorse
    Represents a ZombieHorse - variant of AbstractHorse.
    interface  ZombieVillager
    Represents a Zombie which was once a Villager.
  • Uses of Lootable in org.bukkit.entity.minecart

    Subinterfaces of Lootable in org.bukkit.entity.minecart 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  HopperMinecart
    Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside it
    interface  StorageMinecart
    Represents a minecart with a chest.