Package org.bukkit.entity
Interface Villager
- All Superinterfaces:
Represents a villager NPC
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic enum
Represents the various different Villager professions there may be.static enum
Represents Villager type, usually corresponding to what biome they spawn in.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets the current profession of this
Gets the trading experience of this
Gets the level of this villager.Gets the current type of this villager.void
(Villager.Profession profession) Sets the new profession of this villager.void
(int experience) Sets the trading experience of this villager.void
(int level) Sets the level of this villager.void
(Villager.Type type) Sets the new type of this villager.void
Causes this villager to shake his head.boolean
Attempts to make this villager sleep at the given location.void
Causes this villager to wake up if he's currently sleeping.zombify()
Convert this Villager into a ZombieVillager as if it was killed by a Zombie.Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.AbstractVillager
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Ageable
getAge, isAdult, setAdult, setAge, setBaby
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.attribute.Attributable
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Breedable
canBreed, getAgeLock, setAgeLock, setBreed
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
getName, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Damageable
damage, damage, damage, getAbsorptionAmount, getHealth, getMaxHealth, resetMaxHealth, setAbsorptionAmount, setHealth, setMaxHealth
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
addPassenger, addScoreboardTag, copy, copy, createSnapshot, eject, getBoundingBox, getEntityId, getFacing, getFallDistance, getFireTicks, getFreezeTicks, getHeight, getLastDamageCause, getLocation, getLocation, getMaxFireTicks, getMaxFreezeTicks, getNearbyEntities, getPassenger, getPassengers, getPistonMoveReaction, getPortalCooldown, getPose, getScoreboardTags, getServer, getSpawnCategory, getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound, getSwimSound, getSwimSplashSound, getTicksLived, getTrackedBy, getType, getUniqueId, getVehicle, getVelocity, getWidth, getWorld, hasGravity, isCustomNameVisible, isDead, isEmpty, isFrozen, isGlowing, isInsideVehicle, isInvulnerable, isInWater, isInWorld, isOnGround, isPersistent, isSilent, isValid, isVisibleByDefault, isVisualFire, leaveVehicle, playEffect, remove, removePassenger, removeScoreboardTag, setCustomNameVisible, setFallDistance, setFireTicks, setFreezeTicks, setGlowing, setGravity, setInvulnerable, setLastDamageCause, setPassenger, setPersistent, setPortalCooldown, setRotation, setSilent, setTicksLived, setVelocity, setVisibleByDefault, setVisualFire, spigot, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
addPotionEffect, addPotionEffect, addPotionEffects, attack, canBreatheUnderwater, getActivePotionEffects, getArrowCooldown, getArrowsInBody, getCanPickupItems, getCategory, getCollidableExemptions, getDeathSound, getDrinkingSound, getEatingSound, getEquipment, getEyeHeight, getEyeHeight, getEyeLocation, getFallDamageSound, getFallDamageSoundBig, getFallDamageSoundSmall, getHurtSound, getItemInUse, getItemInUseTicks, getKiller, getLastDamage, getLastTwoTargetBlocks, getLeashHolder, getLineOfSight, getMaximumAir, getMaximumNoDamageTicks, getMemory, getNoActionTicks, getNoDamageTicks, getPotionEffect, getRemainingAir, getRemoveWhenFarAway, getTargetBlock, getTargetBlockExact, getTargetBlockExact, hasAI, hasLineOfSight, hasPotionEffect, isClimbing, isCollidable, isGliding, isInvisible, isLeashed, isRiptiding, isSleeping, isSwimming, playHurtAnimation, rayTraceBlocks, rayTraceBlocks, removePotionEffect, setAI, setArrowCooldown, setArrowsInBody, setCanPickupItems, setCollidable, setGliding, setInvisible, setItemInUseTicks, setLastDamage, setLeashHolder, setMaximumAir, setMaximumNoDamageTicks, setMemory, setNoActionTicks, setNoDamageTicks, setRemainingAir, setRemoveWhenFarAway, setSwimming, swingMainHand, swingOffHand
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.loot.Lootable
getLootTable, getSeed, setLootTable, setSeed
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.inventory.Merchant
getRecipe, getRecipeCount, getRecipes, getTrader, isTrading, setRecipe, setRecipes
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Mob
getAmbientSound, getTarget, isAware, setAware, setTarget
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.Nameable
getCustomName, setCustomName
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, getEffectivePermissions, hasPermission, hasPermission, isPermissionSet, isPermissionSet, recalculatePermissions, removeAttachment
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataHolder
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource
launchProjectile, launchProjectile
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.ServerOperator
isOp, setOp
Method Details
Gets the current profession of this villager.- Returns:
- Current profession.
Sets the new profession of this villager.- Parameters:
- New profession.
Gets the current type of this villager.- Returns:
- Current type.
Sets the new type of this villager.- Parameters:
- New type.
int getVillagerLevel()Gets the level of this villager. A villager with a level of 1 and no experience is liable to lose its profession.- Returns:
- this villager's level
void setVillagerLevel(int level) Sets the level of this villager. A villager with a level of 1 and no experience is liable to lose its profession.- Parameters:
- the new level- Throws:
- if level not between [1, 5]
int getVillagerExperience()Gets the trading experience of this villager.- Returns:
- trading experience
void setVillagerExperience(int experience) Sets the trading experience of this villager.- Parameters:
- new experience- Throws:
- if experience < 0
Attempts to make this villager sleep at the given location.
The location must be in the current world and have a bed placed at the location. The villager will put its head on the specified block while sleeping.- Parameters:
- the location of the bed- Returns:
- whether the sleep was successful
void wakeup()Causes this villager to wake up if he's currently sleeping.- Throws:
- if not sleeping
void shakeHead()Causes this villager to shake his head. -
Convert this Villager into a ZombieVillager as if it was killed by a Zombie. Note: this will fire a EntityTransformEvent- Returns:
- the converted entity
or null if the conversion its cancelled