Interface Crafter

All Superinterfaces:
BlockInventoryHolder, BlockState, Container, InventoryHolder, Lockable, Lootable, Metadatable, Nameable, PersistentDataHolder, TileState

@Experimental @MinecraftExperimental public interface Crafter extends Container, Lootable
Represents a captured state of a crafter.
  • Method Details

    • getCraftingTicks

      int getCraftingTicks()
      Gets the number of ticks which this block will remain in the crafting state for.
      number of ticks remaining
      See Also:
    • setCraftingTicks

      void setCraftingTicks(int ticks)
      Sets the number of ticks which this block will remain in the crafting state for.
      ticks - number of ticks remaining
      See Also:
    • isSlotDisabled

      boolean isSlotDisabled(int slot)
      Gets whether the slot at the specified index is disabled and will not have items placed in it.
      slot - slot index
      disabled status
    • setSlotDisabled

      void setSlotDisabled(int slot, boolean disabled)
      Sets whether the slot at the specified index is disabled and will not have items placed in it.
      slot - slot index
      disabled - disabled status
    • isTriggered

      boolean isTriggered()
      Gets whether this Crafter is powered.
      powered status
    • setTriggered

      void setTriggered(boolean triggered)
      Sets whether this Crafter is powered.
      triggered - powered status