Class PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent


public class PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent extends PlayerEvent
Called when a player clicks a recipe in the recipe book.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getOriginalRecipe

      @NotNull public Recipe getOriginalRecipe()
      Gets the original recipe the player was trying to craft.
      This will not reflect any changes made with setRecipe(org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe).
      the original recipe
    • getRecipe

      @NotNull public Recipe getRecipe()
      Gets the recipe the player is trying to craft.
      This will reflect changes made with setRecipe(org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe).
      the recipe
    • setRecipe

      public void setRecipe(@NotNull Recipe recipe)
      Set the recipe that will be used.
      The game will attempt to move the ingredients for this recipe into the appropriate slots.

      If the original recipe is a CraftingRecipe the provided recipe must also be a CraftingRecipe, otherwise the provided recipe must be of the same type as the original recipe.

      recipe - the recipe to be used
    • isShiftClick

      public boolean isShiftClick()
      If true the game will attempt to move the ingredients for as many copies of this recipe as possible into the appropriate slots, otherwise only 1 copy will be moved.
      whether as many copies as possible should be moved
    • setShiftClick

      public void setShiftClick(boolean shiftClick)
      Sets if the game will attempt to move the ingredients for as many copies of this recipe as possible into the appropriate slots.
      shiftClick - whether as many copies as possible should be moved
    • getHandlers

      @NotNull public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      @NotNull public static HandlerList getHandlerList()