Uses of Class

Packages that use Note.Tone 
Package Description
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
  • Uses of Note.Tone in org.bukkit

    Methods in org.bukkit that return Note.Tone 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Note.Tone Note.Tone.getById​(byte id)
    Magic value
    Note.Tone Note.getTone()
    Returns the tone of this note.
    static Note.Tone Note.Tone.valueOf​(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static Note.Tone[] Note.Tone.values()
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
    Methods in org.bukkit with parameters of type Note.Tone 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Note Note.flat​(int octave, Note.Tone tone)
    Creates a new note for a flat tone, such as A-flat.
    static Note Note.natural​(int octave, Note.Tone tone)
    Creates a new note for a natural tone, such as A-natural.
    static Note​(int octave, Note.Tone tone)
    Creates a new note for a sharp tone, such as A-sharp.
    Constructors in org.bukkit with parameters of type Note.Tone 
    Constructor Description
    Note​(int octave, Note.Tone tone, boolean sharped)
    Creates a new note.